Dear blondie

Hello my dearest! I hope your having fun
At your holiday home, I wish I could come
It seems so fun. Instead I'm stuck here with a stinky
Sirius who eats all of my food. I don't mind though.
As long as he isn't with his deranged parents.

You should come over one day, mom misses you
A lot. Says she needs to see her daughter, it's
Gonna be real fun when we get married.

With love,
James Potter

ps. I miss you!

Dear glasses

Hello my even more dearest! I am having a great
Time here. I actually asked mom and dad
and if you want too come you and Sirius can
Spend a few days down here. We have an
Extra guest room for Aries ( ew ) so you and
Sirius can stay in there.

You should bring Mia! I miss my second mother.
And I thought we were already married?


Ember E. White

Ps, I miss you more whore!

Dear Ember White

Hello my dearestestest. Mom said Sirius and I were
Allowed to go! All I need is the floo address. Do
We really have to stay in the gits room
though? It probably smells like sweat and piss
in there.

Mom will come over to see her daughter-in-law
when we come. I think she's trying to replace
Me. Send help.

Even more love,

Ps, I miss you more more :)

Dear James,

Hello my favorite person! Sorry, but you'll have
to sleep in the gits room. Only sleep though. Mom and dad are expecting to get called out for auror
bussiness so you might get to sleep in my room
one night. Of course Sirius to because no pre-marital contact. The floo address is 'White holiday' pretty Dumb name if you ask me.

Yes! So exited to see my second mother!

All the love,

Ember Estelle White <3

James smiled as he read the letter. The 'favorite person' and little heart at the end making him jittery inside. However, He nearly dropped it when a thought came through his head. He only ever got this way with one person. Lily Evans.

"Prongs?" Sirius asked when he noticed James had became pale, "You okay mate?"

James quickly looked away from the letter, throwing himself down on the bed, his hands went to his face "Holy Merlin left saggy titty- I'm falling in love with Ember White!"

Sirius barked out a laugh. "You're just now realizing that?"

"Well-" he sighed loudly. "When we kissed-"

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