You felt his arms around your waist as he pulled you back from an attack that could've killed you. He was so pissed that someone dared to hurt you, and you'd seen a scarier, murderous side of him that day.

So, with that said, you called Inochi for help. Knowing Toshiro, he'd be so immature about it and make everything worse. You called for Inochi the second you looked at Teuchi, and he came to save you.

However, he wanted something in return. He wanted you to tell him about your feelings for Neji. When you figured out that was what he wanted, you had to stop yourself from jumping over the table and attacking him. You were just so tired of people asking you.

"Thank you for getting me away."

"Of course. Anything for you... with something in return. Now, tell me."

"No need to rush... do you have certain questions?"

"Just three. Do you like him?"

You took a look around before answering. "I... I think. J-Just a little."

"Uh-huh. He's not much to... look at, but I respect it."

You raised your eyebrow. "What do you mean? Are you not into women?"

"I am, but..."


"Wait, I'm the one asking questions."

"At least answer mine!"

"It wasn't even a question!"

"Ugh! Just—, what do you mean by 'but'?"

"It's... a guy... he's cute. Don't ask who. Can we move on?"

"Who?!" You slammed your hands on the table and stood up. You seemed to have gotten people's attention, which made him embarrassed.

"Sit down... I said don't ask who. Now, why haven't you told him about your feelings?"

You sat back down and sighed. "Someone else likes him. Also—, we just got back. I don't wanna move too fast."

"Wait, who?"

"Can't say, it's a secret. She's always giving me backhanded compliments too. It's annoying."

"Is that really stopping you?"

"You're right. Well since all of the questions are done I'll just..."

"Wait a second. That wasn't my third question."

"What's your third question?"

"Have you... kissed him yet?"

Tenten was nervous, Lee had left and she finally got alone time with Neji. She would be happy to be with him, but it's just plain silence, on a bench, at the park. People already thought they were a couple, which started to make him a bit uncomfortable.

Even so, he wouldn't leave her there alone. He had no idea why he was sitting with her, but he was. It just... happened. He followed her, thinking she was going home, but she led him to a park instead.

"Well, it's been fun but something is going on with the clan later on today so—."

"Wait!" She grabbed his hand, stopping him from leaving.


"I... have something to tell you."


"I can't believe I told him that. He can keep a secret though, right? Of course, he can. He's Inochi. But who's the guy he said he thinks is attractive? Could it be Toshiro? It's not Neji, he said he's not much to look at—, wait, why am I worried if he likes Neji or not? Why do I even think I like that dumbass? He hated me, and I hated him! He tried to kill me... more than once. I'm so stupid."

You were walking from the tea shop, planning to go home. Inochi had a serious talk with you about kissing boys you weren't dating yet or whatever the hell he was talking about—, you'd only tuned in to some of it. He told you to never kiss a boy if you're not his girlfriend. The same thing with girls if you're into them. Still, he couldn't control you. Whatever you chose to do was on you, but he was giving you a fair warning. Though, no matter what happened, if Neji laid a finger on you in the wrong way, he was going to do something illegal.

You shook your head, attempting to clear your mind. You had to pass by the same park Neji and Tenten were at before getting home. But, you would've never thought passing by a park would mess your feelings up in the worse way possible.

A sigh escaped from your mouth. You glanced over at the park, seeing the two standing there. You slowed down, wondering what they were talking about. It wouldn't hurt to peep into their conversation a bit, right?

Yeah, it wouldn't hurt anything but your heart.

"What is it that you wanted to tell me?"

Her cheeks began to turn red. "W-Well, um, you see..."

"Tenten, I have to get back to Lord Hiashi soon..."

"I-I know! Sorry! It's just... when we first met, you were so cocky—, you bullied both Lee and I. I hated you. B-but now I feel different! You've changed so much and everything about you is so admirable. I feel differently towards you."

"What do you mean?"

"I love you, Neji."

You felt your heart drop down to your stomach. Hearing those words made you sick to your stomach. You swallowed thickly, forcing yourself to walk away, even though you wanted to stay and listen. You didn't want to seem suspicious, nor did you want to just eavesdrop on their conversation. You've heard enough of Tenten's voice for the day.

"I—, um—, uh—." He cleared his throat. He was trying to recite what love meant, specifically your definition. He wasn't sure what to say.

"I understand that you're shy and you can't think properly right now. Just, please accept my gift."

"What is it?"

She reached into her purse, pulling out a small pumpkin pie she baked herself the night before. She handed it to him, smiling brightly.

"Is that pumpkin? If so, I don't eat—."

"You should try it, I think it's really good! I made it myself."

"Uh, I'll eat it later. Thanks."

"You're welcome. C-Can I ask you something, though?"

"...Ask away."

"Will you... go out with me?"

𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐒𝐈𝐆𝐇𝐓 𝐎𝐅 𝐘𝐎𝐔, 𝐧𝐞𝐣𝐢 𝐡. Where stories live. Discover now