chapter 2

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"Alya please don't.." I pleaded "don't believe her"

She looked at me with utter disgust before storming off

"N-nino you don't believe her, r-right?" I said taking a step forward before tripping on my own foot. I helplessly look upwards before waving my shaking hand in thin air for someone, anyone to hold it.

Chloe did.

She helped me stand up, on my feet. I silently thanked her

I looked Around me only to see a sobbing lila coming inside the classroom with Alya comforting the weeping liar

Why believe her..? But not me? Just months ago I was laughing with my friends, talking with my friends, sharing secrets with my friends

...Were they ever my friends ?
They didn't know that that attention seeker was lying.
But one person did
I slowly looked behind me preparing myself to meet an understanding gaze, someone who believed in me.

But NO!

Adrian never looked at me as if the floor was more important than a friend who needed defending.. Tikki was advising me to ask Adrien for help

But something inside me told me not to, not to beg for help from someone who clearly doesn't want to, even I have a limit, a limit he just broke.
if he wants to remain a coward, a peacemaker hiding in the shadows, then FINE!!
I shook my head
"I still have some self respect left you know"
I thought, but apparently I thought it very loud

"You don't deserve any respect!" An angry voice at my side shouted
Rose.. the sweet girl who was always sweet to me

"We'll never respect you!"
Ivan.. someone who I helped when he needed it the most

"Nobody will!"
Mylene.. the girl, I saved as ladybug when she could've died

"Because you're always jealous of Lila!"
Max.. someone I trusted with the horse Miraculous

And countless other students ranting about why they won't respect me

"You'll never be successful!"
That got me, my best friend who supported me with my dream just said that.
I managed a "what?!" After breaking out of my trance

"You Heard me. You'll never be successful! Lila told me Jagged stone only allowed you to design his album cover because he took pity on you." Alya fumed

Chloe was visibly holding herself from killing the blogger.
It confused me... why is Chloe suddenly showing she cares.
I sighed, maybe she always did but never showed it or maybe I was just too blind

"You will never achieve anything, mari-trash! Lila said-"

She rambled on about what Lila said and what not.
Maybe if they said sorry I'll forgive them but not Adrien, never Adrien.

But then that little hope inside me disappeared when Alya shrieked

wow.. just wow so she believes a liars words over her own eyes

I know she always listened to Lila but I never had any evidence but now, NOW! I had 5 whole goddamn sketchbooks filled with original sketches and she says I'm TALENTLESS. I was done with this. I was tired of pretending that I'm fine, I was tired of outing lie-la when my classmates which were actually just sheep in disguise believed her words over their own eyes. So I did the only sensible thing possible

I snapped

AN: I hate Adrian Agreste for being the coward he is!
And thinking about only how Lila can get humiliated and akumatized but not marinette like wth, agreste-
Anyway :')
Au revoir!

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