I dont give a shit

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Summer came inside but I didn't bother to talk to her. I'm pissed. She went to school everyday like normal then instead of coming home she spent time with Charlie and when she was with home she was with fucking Charlie. Today's Friday. I was in my room when I heard Summer come home. "I'm telling you Summer it's a good idea" I heard Charlie say. I went downstairs to see them in the kitchen. "Hey man" Charlie said. "Hey" I said. Summer had on jeans white a white crop top and air forces. It was simple but she's gorgeous. "Do you want ice cream" she asked me. "No" I said. "Well I would stay but I have to go to work" Charlie said. "Okay call me later" Summer said. He kissed her on the lips then headed to the door. I wanted to throw up at the sight. I couldn't handle it. I got up and headed to the door "Where are you going" she asked. "Out" I snapped. I went to the local bar and started taking shots. "Vincent" I heard a voice say. I looked over and saw Ciara. I said nothing. "It's Ciara" she said. "Yeah I know" I said. "What are you doing here" she asked. "Getting drunk" I said then took a shot. "Mind if I join you" she asked. I looked at her tight dress. "Why the fuck not" I said. I'm not sure how many shots I took. Or exactly how Ciara and I ended up in the dirty ass bathroom. All I know is I got drunk and fucked her in a small dirty bathroom. After we were done I felt sick. I wanted to see Summer. I need Summer.

I told Ciara I had to go and I started my walk home. It was late so I knew my dad and Kassie were on their normal date and Timmy slept at Grandmas house. I opened the door and stumbled in. "Fuck" I said. "What the hell are you doing" Summer asked. She must've been on the sofa. "Getting the fuck in the house what are you doing" I asked. "Your drunk" she said. "And the award goes to Summer for stating the fucking obvious" I snapped. "Don't talk to me like that you fool your the one who got assbackwards drunk" she snapped. I sat down and said "I fucked my ex girlfriend in the bars bathroom". She looked taken back. Good that's how I felt seeing her with Charlie. "Are you proud of yourself" she asked. "No she's not the one I want" I said. "You want Steph" she said. I laughed. Stephs the last thing I want now. I want summer but I can't have Summer. "Why are you laughing" she asked. "Nothing" I said. "Why did you feel the need to get drunk" she asked. "I'm twenty one I don't need a reason" I laughed. "Well then okay" she said. "Where's Charlie" I asked. "Upstairs" she said. "What" I snapped. "We were in the middle of something" she said. I stood up straight. "What the fuck does that mean" I snapped. "Whatever you think it means" she said. "I swear to god Summer if he touched you" I said. "What" she said. "Why does it bother you so much" she asked. I stayed quiet. "It doesn't fucking matter" I said. "It does and you need to tell me why" she yelled. "You don't need to fucking know" I said. "So I shouldn't date but you won't tell me why" she snapped. "Because you don't need to" I said. "Are you fucking serious Vincent your not my boyfriend" she snapped.  "I don't want to be" I snapped. She looked like she was going to cry. She turned around but I grabbed her hand. "Is he really upstairs" I asked. "No" she said in a low voice. We were so close yet again. I pulled her closer to me. "I want you so bad" I said. "Before you said we couldn't kiss because Timmy was upstairs" she said. "Yeah" I said. "He's not upstairs" she said. "That's true" I said. "But I'd still be off limits" she said.

"I don't give a shit" I said then kissed her.

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