Somethings shifted

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Charlie went home late and right after I fell asleep. The next month and a half went by like normal. Summer and I talked whenever we saw each other and Charlie came over pretty much every other night. I walked past Summers room around 10 and heard her arguing with someone. I decided it wasent my place so I just went to my room. That night I tossed and turned. I looked at the clock and saw that it was 3 in the morning. I got out of bed and opened the back door. I looked over and saw Summer sitting on one of the swings on Timmys swing set. I shut the door quickly and walked over to her. When I got closer I could see she was crying. "What's wrong" I asked. "My boyfriend" she said then started crying more. I sat on the other swing and waited. "He said that the long distance thing is to hard" she said. "He broke up with you" I asked. "Yes" she said. "Summer I'm so sorry he's a fucking moron" I said. "It's whatever" she said. "I know how it feels to be broken hearted it fucking sucks" I said. "You mean what Steph did" she asked. "How do you" I asked. "Timmy snitched" she said. "That little shit" I said. She laughed. "But yeah I mean Steph and it sucks" I said. "Do you still love her" she asked. "Yes" I replied. "What do you do" she asked. "I deal with it now but at first I was fucked up" I said. "Do you think you'll move on" she asked. "Maybe" I said. "We were together for 2 years" she said then cried harder. I put my hand on her shoulder. It was breaking my heart to see her like this. This is the way I felt when I broke stephs heart for the first time. "Summer if he can't see that your worth the distance then he's a fucking joke and you can do better" I said. "Do you think Steph was your true love" she asked. "I don't know" I said. "I'm sorry for what happened" she said. "I broke her heart long before she broke mine I have no right to be bitter about it" I said. "You deserve better" she said. "I've done a lot of fucked up shit in my past this is just my karma you don't deserve this your fucking perfect" I said. She looked at me but said nothing. I stared back at her. I felt something in my stomach. Am I feeling fucking butterflies for her ? "I should go to bed" she said. "Yeah that's a good idea" I said. She walked over to the door and opened it then said "I wish things were different". "Me too" I said.

That's the first time something shifted between us. Looking back at it I know that's when everything started. But of course at that point I didn't fucking know what was in store for us.

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