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"Are you sure that's everything" Aliceion asked as I put the rest of my bags in my car. "Yes that's everything chill out" I replied. "I can't believe we're finally getting rid of you" Brandon said. "Haha very funny" I said. "But in all seriousness If you need to come back you can" Brandon said. "Thanks but I think this is the right choice" I said. As soon as high school ended I couldn't get the fuck out of that town fast enough. I didn't want to spend the rest of my life watching Steph and Justin be booed up so I opted to live with Brandon and Aliceion. "I'm going to miss you" Aliceion said as she hugged me. I hugged her back but still making sure not to squeeze since she's 4 months pregnant. "Have a safe drive you little shit" Brandon said then hugged me. After we finished our goodbyes I got in my car and started the drive back to Florida.

The last 3 years have been really good. I started working at Brandon's restaurant and it paid a decent amount. I lived with Brandon and Aliceion so I was able to save a lot. Anytime I went on social media I was Constantly flooded with pictures and videos of Steph and Justin. They've been together for a little over 3 years now. Steph and I talked a handful of times over the last few years. She would text me randomly just to see how my life was going. Each time I was hoping she would tell me she misses me but that day never came. My dads girlfriend moved in a few months after I left but her daughter recently started living with them about 7 months ago. I've never met Summer face to face I've only ever seen pictures of her. My dad said she's sweet so I guess she's sweet. I spent the next two hours driving and listening to music. After what felt like forever I pulled up to the house. I honked the horn and the door flew open. A girl with long curly brown hair walked outside. She had on a pink tracksuit and white air forces. I met her eyes and she looked nervous. She's adorable and I know exactly who this is. "Hi I'm summer" she said. "I'm Vincent" I replied. "George and my mom went to Walmart but they should be back soon" she said. "Oh okay" I replied. "I can help you with your bags if you want" I said. "No that's okay it's not that much stuff" I said. "Okay" she replied then walked inside. I got my first two bags out the car and walked inside. Summer was sitting on the sofa typing away on her phone. I got the rest of my bags then went to my room and began to unpack. That shit got boring really fast so I went back downstairs. "Did Timmy go with them" I asked. Timmy is my eight year old brother. When my mom died Timmy was only 4. He became quiet and closed off but ever since Kassie and Summer moved in my dad said he's been happier. "He went with them he said he needed more chalk" she said. I laughed because I know how much he loves his chalk. "Are you going to college down here" she asked. "No im going to work with my dad at the shop" I said. "You don't look like a Mechanic" she said. I laughed at this. "What do I look like" I asked. "I don't know maybe a back up dancer or something" she said with a laugh. I laughed with her. "What about you are you going to college" I asked. "I don't think so but who knows" she responded. "Your a senior right" I asked. "Yeah" she said. "Do you know a teacher named Mr. Gus" I asked. "Yeah he's the glee teacher" she said. "I know I used to be in the glee Club" he said. "Your dad told my mom and I a bunch of stuff about you in the glee club and we watched some of the performances y'all were really good" she said. "Do you sing" I asked. "Only when no ones listening" she answered. "I loved it" I said. "I can tell" she said. She spoke softly like she was afraid to yell. I like it. For some reason my nosey ass wanted her life story but before I could say anything else the front door opened. "Vincent" Timmy yelled. He ran up to me and we hugged. "Nice to see you son" my dad said then game me a hug. "Vincent" kassie said with a smile as she hugged me. "How long have you been back" my dad asked. "About an hour" I said. "Oh I'm sorry if I would've known you were here I wouldn't have took so long" kassie said. "It's fine I was getting to know Summer" I said. Summer smiled but said nothing.

Later in the day we ate dinner then I played uno with Timmy. After a while Timmy went to sleep. "Night" my dad said as him and kassie went to their room. Summer sat on the other side of the sofa on her phone. "Have you made a lot of friends" I asked. "A few" she said. "That's good" I said. "How old are you" she asked. "Twenty one" I said. "I thought so"she said. "What about you" I asked. "I turned eighteen three months ago" she said. "Thought so" I said. Summer and I continued to talk until she said she was tired and went to her room.

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