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Morning everyone!! (: beware before you begin reading. There's a side of a character that's going to get darker.

Btw, I can't believe I'm only like 2 chapters away from finishing the book.

Like the idiot that I was, I agreed to go to the dinner. 

I may not have liked most of the people that would be attending, but I couldn't take the chance of Hero going alone.

After my meeting with Diedre the night before, it was clear that she was willing to cross any bridge to get to him. Even if I had to die in the process, I was going to protect Hero with every fiber of my being. 

I didn't bother dressing up. I threw on a casual sundress and straightened my hair, my nerves in shambles. Hero dressed in his normal jeans and leather jacket, looking much different than the meek boy he was deep inside. 

As he kissed me long and leisurely, I felt the cold metal in his lip with a finger. 

"I really like these." I grinned. "I don't get my parents aversion to them."

"You should get a pair of them yourself," Hero snorted, "You'd look hot with a few of them."

I squirmed at the thought. "No, no. A tattoo is as far as I'll go."

Hero chuckled. "One day, you'll see it my way. Come on, let's get this over with."

It took us a while to get to the restaurant. A million thoughts ran through my mind on the way. How much worse could Diedre really be compared to her daughter? It wasn't like she was going to roast me over a fire or anything like that. 

As I stared at Hero gripping the steering wheel, I saw his twisted expression. He really had become the young boy from his past when he was forced to be with his grandmother.

I almost wondered if his bad-boy persona was all a mask- something he used to divert everyone's attention from his insecurities. 

Oh, my poor boy. 

When we finally made it to the restaurant, I understood why it had taken so long by car. It was farther downtown and was all intricate cedar looking more like a backwoods shed.

Through the windows, I could see couples clinking long-stemmed glasses together, looking like they were from another age. 

I was very under dressed. 

"How come you didn't tell me we were coming here? I mean, look at the scenery..." I said, still gawking at the many designs carved into the wood exterior. 

"You've been shaking like a leaf," Hero replied, "Relax. You look sexy."

I took a deep breath before we made our way to the entrance. I grew nervous when he reached for my hand. It wasn't because I didn't want him to; I was on high alert.

I still wasn't sure what Diedre had in mind and I had a sneaking suspicion that she wouldn't take too kindly to him showing too much PDA.

For once, I was looking forward to seeing Dorinda more than anything. 

I grew more self-conscious about my state of dress as we drew closer to the register. Sitting behind booths and tables were men and women looking like they'd just finished their business meetings and were headed to a family resort. I saw them shoot glares like I didn't belong. 

Oh, I just knew Diedre had done this on purpose. 

Hero cleared his throat at the waitress who seemed like she wanted to retire already. 

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