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Morning everyone (: I literally cried while writing this (dramatic ik) but Hero is in such a position. Don't worry. Diedre may get karma.

"Kristina?" Hero urged as I stood frozen to the floor. "Please say something."

I tried to respond but felt the words halt at the back of my throat. All that escaped was a miserable groan. I turned away from him, pacing across the ground. 

Hero placed a hand on my shoulder.

"Please don't avoid me-"

I yanked away from him as if touched by fire. 

"Can you please just leave me be for a moment?" I accidentally shouted out, feeling overwhelmed. "I can't do this right now. I love you- I still love you, but please don't ask me to forget about it. That's a big favor to ask. I don't know how to respond... that woman is still abusing you physically and in the same breath, I understand that you're sleeping with someone other than me-"

"It's not like that," Hero continued to argue, "I'm not cheating on you-"

"BUT YOU ARE!" I snapped back. "You're cheating by sleeping with anyone! Any form of penetration is sex! I'm sorry to put it that way for you, but it's the way it is!"

"I don't-" He placed his fingers to his temples. "I try to not let her- I try, Kristina. It's like I'm a child again, every time she sees me. You wouldn't understand-"

I huffed. "What is there to understand? You're old enough to know better! You know what's happening and yet you do nothing to stop it. There are no lines to read here. You either need to take some serious counseling or you just need to grow up."

"I will-" Hero promised. "I will go to counseling. For you."

"It can't be for me," I warned. "It has to be because you want the help. I'm sorry but I need rest."

As I attempted to walk away, Hero reached for my hand, only for me to shake my head.

"No, I need to be alone."

Hero started to grow extremely impatient. "You can't ask me to do that, Kristina- I don't want you leaving in the middle of-"

"Well, that's too bad!" I spat. "For once, I'm not going to be giving in to your each and every demand. I suppose, for once you're going to have to trust me."

And with that, I sped for the bedroom without looking back. 

The next morning was quiet and awkward. Hero spent most of his time avoiding me, hiding into corners whenever I came out for food or drinks. He didn't attend any of his college classes, which I found odd, but didn't think about it too much. 

I didn't receive much from Tawnee about my job, except a faxed email stating that a few arrangements needed to be made. I didn't mind. It gave me time to think and stew in my own privacy about what my next course of action would be. 

Finally, around four in the afternoon, I decided I made him suffer enough. I met Hero in the kitchen, ready to make amends. If I was going to be with him, it was going to be for the long haul. I didn't care what bullshit I had to go through. 

"I'm sorry," I began, twiddling my thumbs. "I know I shouldn't have pushed you away like that last night. I was stressed, not knowing how to deal with all this. I do know it's not all black and white. Your grandmother took advantage of her position in power and used you."

Hero approached me, cupping my face in his hand. "I didn't take what you said seriously; I know it's too much to ask to expect you to ignore what I'm doing. If you really do want to leave, I'll understand-"

"No, I don't," I stated adamantly. "I want to stay. I want to help you work through this. I know we haven't had sex in a while, but while all this is going on..."

Hero's head lowered. "I know, baby. I won't ask you for that. I understand."

I nodded, shocked at his response. Usually, he was begging me for it on a constant basis. He was taking it quite well. 

"So, look," Hero began, "I wasn't going to bring it up because we were on bad terms, but my family is having a dinner together in a few hours-"

I shook my head, only for Hero to continue on.

"Diedre wanted to put it together. Said that she wanted it to be in your honor and wanted to get on better terms with you."

This fact threw me in for a loop. Why would she want to invite me, a person that technically threatened her? 

"What exactly did you say to her when she got here?" Hero asked worriedly. 

I dug my shoes into the floor. I blushed, remembering how I'd done my best to protect him. 

"She tried to get in last night, but I told her I wouldn't let her near you... and I might have brought up the fact that I knew what she did to you..."

Hero stared up from under his brows, dropping his jaw. 

"Kristina... Do you realize what you've done? You've opened Pandora's Box with what you said."

I tore my gaze away, looking for a response to that. Just how crazy were his family members?

"Well, she needed someone to put her in her place, Hero."

"Don't you think I know that? I'm not mad at you. I'm just at a loss... She's going to make your life a living hell... If you think My mom was terrible... Oh, just wait."

I'm sorry if the chapter sucks. I tried my best.

What do you think Diedre will do at dinner?

Oh what a chapter it will be.

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