#36: Incident At The Wedding

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The entire garden was decorated with blue flowers and white flowers. The first pair to arrive would be Keane and Aileen who arrived separately. "You suit dark colors, Aileen. It suits your character very well", Keane commented. Aileen looked away. There's no way she could openly appreciate how Keane looks stunning in his white prince outfit. "I can't seem to see some familiar face, though", Keane was hoping to see Eleanor.

"Lady Aileen, Prince Keane", Claudia called the two with a low tone. They're in the temple and they should watch their behavior. "Brother", Xylan can't look into Keane's eyes. "You look sharp as ever, Your Highness", Keane patted his shoulder making Xylan feel relieved. After the coming of his age, Keane seemed to distance himself more towards Xylan. Aileen looked at Claudia holding on to Xylan's arms. 

Don't let them have the crown. 

Aileen smiled and commended Claudia for slowly coming out of her shell. She looked more confident this time. Fortunately, Fiona already left so no one would ruin the lady's time to shine. "We'll be seated this way", Aileen led the way. Keane held onto Aileen's hand. "Careful, the floor is smooth. You might slip", Keane assisted her. Before Aileen even stepped, they heard someone shout from behind. 

"Tch, I told you not to wear high heels", Jenos reached out his hand. Eleanor melted in embarrassment while sitting on the floor. Before more guests saw her shameful dilemma, Jenos offered his hand. "This wouldn't happen if you just agreed that I would hold on to your arms", Eleanor wanted to complain more but having Jenos made her indebt to him. Jenos pulled her up and offered his arms. "I don't want to be a laughing stock", he explained. Eleanor slightly laughed and clipped her arms on Jenos'. The man felt the darting looks from the crowd. 

"Jenos, I apologize

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"Jenos, I apologize. I need to drag you as well in this miserable reputation of mine", Eleanor said in a low tone. "You don't have to worry. I am such a reputable man that even your unbelievably tainted name can't even make a mark on", Jenos said with confidence. "That's what I like about you", Eleanor carelessly gave a statement. Jenos cleared his throat and smirked to see the two pairs watching them walk towards them. He never wished to be lumped with the royalties or even noblewomen. 

"Jenos, you look different today. Is it because you're wearing a spectacle?", Eleanor titled her head. "Look at where you're walking. If you slip even if I am holding you, then I will not hesitate to leave you behind", he threatened. The lady just focused on walking as if it was her first time to do so. 

Wedding Ceremony

They are all seated next to each other. Claudia felt like melting with the intensity being emitted by the group she was placed into. "Say, are you going to make another scene?", Aileen said without looking at Eleanor. "Thank you for your concern but I don't want to ruin Gilbert's important day", Eleanor answered. 

"Council Jenos. You seem to have free time. How is the thing in the South?", Xylan opened. "I am still gathering reports from the spies that were sent a few months ago", Jenos' eyes narrowed. "I see. Then maybe attending weddings would be a good way to unwind. That might be the same case for me", Xylan nodded. "You're right, Your Highness. If we could take a break and watch the mundanity of life, maybe we could breathe a little easier", Jenos agreed on the thought. "Mundanity. I can't see you being asked as Lady Eleanor as a mundane thing", Keane joined the conversation. "Eleanor had been with me since the training camp. I don't categorize her as someone so special", Jenos clarified. "Lady Ellie is special in any angle", Keane smiled but it somehow felt eerie. 

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