CH. 1 - Mika's Confession

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Mika stayed silent again.

"Or is it because of something else?"

"Is that not enough?"

"Of course, it is. I just feel like it's something else. Or is it a coincidence that you started getting all quiet and distancing yourself right about the time when Yuu and Shinoa started going out?"

Mika put his knees against his chest and wrapped his arms around them. "What are you getting at?" he said in almost a whisper.

"I think you're in love with Yuu."

Mika didn't say anything. He was pretty sure that was the reason, but he just couldn't bring himself to admit it. More tears rolled down his cheeks.

"You can't say anything. Please don't say anything," Mika choked the words out.

"You know, Yuu's never told Shinoa he loves her," Kimizuki said after a moment. "There's a chance he's only with her because he feels like he should. Or he's confusing his feelings for her. I don't know, but I think you should tell him how you feel."

"No. I can't do that, and you can't either. He's happy with her. Please don't say anything."

"But you're not happy."

"Doesn't matter."

"I think it does."

"I don't-"

"Hey Mika! Kimizuki!" Yuu called them smiling, interrupting Mika. "What are you guys doing over there? Come hang out with us!"

Mika stood up. "Please don't say anything."

Kimizuki nodded.

"Hey," Mika smiled when they got to the others. Kimizuki didn't like that Mika acted like he was alright.

"Hey, I just remembered," Yuu began. "Mika, it's been almost five days since you last drank blood. Come on let's go," Yuu took a step toward Mika.

"No," Mika took a step back and smiled. "I'm ok Yuu, thanks."

"But Mika-"

"Hey Mikaela," Kimizuki interrupted Yuu. "I'm going to the store, do you want to come with me?" The store was an abandoned one like the one Yuu and Mika had been in when Mika first drank Yuu's blood. They went there sometimes to get whatever food they could find.

"Oh, uh, sure." Mika and Kimizuki started walking away. Yuu looked at them confused.

"Hey! I'll go with you guys," Yuu tried.

"No, you should stay here and help the others in case more horseman of the apocalypse show up," Kimizuki responded.

Yuu looked at Mika. "Mika?"

"He's right Yuu. We'll be fine and we won't take long," Mika smiled as he and Kimizuki walked away.

"Yuu? Are you alright?" Shinoa asked.

"Yeah." Yuu walked away and went to sit in the exact spot Mika had been sitting in.

After a while Shinoa went to sit next to Yuu. "Yuu?" she asked.


"What's wrong?"

"Something's bothering Mika. It's been bothering him for a while now. I thought he'd tell me what was wrong, I thought he knew that he could tell me anything, but instead he's avoiding me."

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