Chapter Nine

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Tobias and I sit with our backs against the last car of the train. Watching the city go by through the door as we wait for his mother's arrival.

From what I know, they've been sending letters back and forth since they've met in person during our initiation year, but haven't met since. I worry that I may scare her off, that I might say the wrong thing after seeing her after all these years.

"Are you actually nervous?" Tobias asks over the wind, one of his arms is around his knees while the other is slung across my shoulders.

I look at him with a shrug, biting my lower lip. "I haven't seen her since we were six, Tobias. It feels like I'm little again."

He grins, placing a kiss against my cheek. "It'll be a short meeting, don't worry."

A few minutes pass by when a person starts running alongside the train. The two of us stand to watch, a flash of black clothes jumps onto the train with only a moment of stumble- she could pass as Dauntless if it weren't for her mismatched clothes; Amity boots, an Erudite dress and a Dauntless jacket. All different but they compliment each other.

Tobias stands in front of me, holding my hand behind his back. As if he knows how she'd react when she notices me.

"Hello," she greets, a grin appearing across her face. I feel like I've transported back to when we were little and she would sit on the doorsteps watching us play before Marcus came home.

"Hi," Tobias replies, his hand tightening around mine.

"Every time I see you, you're bigger," she chuckles, "I guess there's no point in worrying that you're eating well."

"Could say the same for you, but for different reasons."

Her dark eyes, his eyes, glance at me when she notices me move from behind him. She takes a step back.

"Aren't you going to introduce me to your friend, Tobias?" She asks in a friendlier tone.

I take a breath and take a step to reveal myself, letting go of his hand for the time being. "Hello, Evelyn" I try a grin.

She studies me for a long moment, like she recognizes me from somewhere but can't place my name.

"Amalia," she finally says, letting the grin turn into a smile, "I didn't think you would've become part of Dauntless too."

I glance at Tobias who keeps his stern face; it reminds me that he arranged this meeting for a specific reason. "Neither did I, but your son gave me enough courage to leave that life behind."

She glances at the two of us in a questionable way; speculating our relationship, no doubt. "Are you two-"

"-We brought you some food," Tobias cuts her off, taking off the backpack he brought along to offer to her. "Bland soup and vegetables, but it's better than nothing."

"Who says I need your help? I'm doing just fine, you know," she says in a careful, soft voice.

"Yeah, that's not for you. It's for all your skinny friends. If I were you, I wouldn't turn down food."

I nudge him, hoping whatever expression he sees in me signifies for him to calm down. We both know she means well, there's no need to be rude- even though she left him with an abuser, but that's beside the point.

"I'm not," she takes the bag, "I'm just not used to you caring. It's a little disarming."

"I'm familiar with the feeling," he speaks coldly. "How long was it before you checked in on my life? Ten years?"

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