Chapter Three

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The next morning, I'm pulled from bed early to help Tobias set up the training room for their first day of stage one.

I really can't look back fondly on those days; how badly I was beaten up by each initiate who was able to find my weaknesses with ease. The countless times I visited the infirmary... just thinking about my multiple bruised faces causes a shiver up my spine.

"Look alive, Stiff," Tobias yells from across the room. I guess I was dozing off, the box of guns I'm holding was beginning to tip over.

"Yeah, yeah," I mutter, "all the guns go on the table?" I ask as loud as I can manage.

He looks at me with a smirk. "Yeah, all the guns on the table."

I roll my eyes. "Just making sure. You're the one who forced me here, remember?"

"I'm just trying to spend as much time as I can get with you alone" he starts to walk over to my side of the room, adjusting the tape around his hand.

"And at seven in the morning. How kind of you" I shake my head. When the guns are all lined up, I set the box down and sit on the edge of the table.

Tobias stops when he's right in front of me, leaning his head down to press a few kisses against my lips.

That's enough to wake me up.

"You going back to bed, then?" He tilts his head.

"I think I'll just head to the office. Corinna will be ecstatic to see me there before she is for once" I manage to say through a yawn.

He chuckles. "Since you have all this spare time, want to practice with me? I need to make sure I have all the instructions down."

"You're not my instructor" I pucker my lips.

"Come on, I just want to make sure." He makes his eyes go wider with the tilt of his head. He really does know how to win me over.

I groan. "You have all of the techniques recognized. You don't need to practice, maybe just on your people skills, but not on your teaching."

He rolls his eyes. "Arms up, Stiff."

We stand a few feet apart so we don't hit one another, but close enough to see each other's movements; or close enough so he can correct whatever I do wrong.

He begins to yell out punches and kicks, I do exactly as I'm told and copy his exact stance- my arms up to protect my face and my feet moving with the punches. It may have been a while since I've practiced, but I don't think I've lost my touch. I'll still be able to win a fight whenever the time comes.

"You need work," Tobias chuckles when we finish up, "you wouldn't even make it past the first cut if you kept that up."

I scoff. "I'm so sorry my job description doesn't include using combat skills every day." My hand wipes away the sweat running off my forehead.

"That's why your instructor is here to help," he gestures to himself. I can't help but snort.

"I will take you down if you don't quit it. I was ranked third on the ranks, remember?" I smirk.

"Is that a threat, Mal?" He uses the tone he saves for the initiates, low and stern.

"No, sir," I shake my head trying to hold down my laughter.

Tobias is about to pounce at me when the doors of the room swing open. We both turn and stand straight when we see who it is. Max.

"Four," he greets, "Amalia. Didn't think I'd find you here this early."

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