"Because you asked me to tell you what he said......"

"Ok, goodnight Sirius"

I rolled over to face away from him, I mean it was true, it was at least 1 in the morning, but I have to think about the conversation we had, and why the hell did i see a dog before Sirius came in

Sirius's POV-

She rolled over to face the other side of the room

I don't have any intentions of trying to go back to the Gryffindor tower, so i guess I'm going to sleep, yet again, in the hospital wing chairs

I knew what she was asking

Tatum was basically asking 'do you like me' I mean, yes, but I was not going to tell her now

I guess I'll talk to Caspian tomorrow


I walked out of the hospital, saying goodbye to Tatum before I left

I was currently on my way to the great hall to look for Caspian

walking into the hall, and glancing over at the Slytherin table, I saw Caspian sitting next to Regulus

"Hey, Sirius" they both chimed glancing up at who sat across from them

"Hey, Caspian can I talk to you"

"Yeah sure, what about?"


"Oooo, that hot Beauxbatons girl" Regulus cooed

Damn this kid, I swear to Merlin

"That's my sister ya know"

"Yeah, but I dint know if he knew" regulus pointed at me

"Why would I be over here if i didn't know?"

"To see your dear, loving, kind,-"

"Anyway, can we talk" i interrupted Regulus's gushing

"Yeah, I'll be right back"

Caspian and I got up, he winked at some girl, huh, we  would get along well

"So, what about Tatum?" Caspian asked, once we we out of the great hall

"After our talk last night, I went to see Tatum in the great hall, I actually made it there before curfew-"

"Ok, you went to see her....."

"Oh right, sorry" I laughed "so I told her what you said, and she basically flipped it on me, asking if I liked her-"

"2 things, 1. did she say that out loud, 2. Do you like her?"

"No she didn't say it out loud, but I knew what she meant and I don't know"

"Oh please, he's whipped" whispered James over my shoulder, jump the shit out of me

"Oh... really?" Caspian asked, wit a little smirk on his face

"oh yeah, you should have seen-"

"James, i can talk for myself, go flirt with lily or something" I begged

"Padfoot, that is the best idea you have ever had" James cheered, walking of to go bug Lily

"Anyway, do you like her?" Caspian asked

"Yeah, I actually like her a lot-"

"Who!" Someone cheered from behind me

Turning around, I meet the all to familiar green eyes


"Hey! Your out of the hospital wing!" I cheered, sending a nervous look towards Caspian

"We can talk later" he said and walked off, with out any word or glance at Tatum

"So he can know but I can't"

"Kinda like that" I smirked at her

"Fine, be that way, by the way can you come get James, he's bugging the shit out-"

"Language Ms. Miller, another warning and that will be 10 points from Gryffindor" scolded McGonagall, going into the great hall to catch breakfast

Tatum checked to see if McGonagall turned the corner, before holding up her middle fingers in the direction McGonagall walked in.

I almost bursted out laughing

"Not a morning person I see" I laughed walking over to were Tatum was standing

"No, not at all, and she has warned me about my 'language' about 20 times now" she rolled her eyes


"Yeah, one time she said 'Ms.Miller, fix your language! Your swearing like a sailor!' I guess she tried to use that muggle saying"

"Oh yeah, she said that to James and I in 4th year, it was quite funny"

"It was! Whatever she says, I'm still gonna swear" she laughed and walked of and into the great hall, swaying her hips a little

Merlin.. This girl is going to kill me one day

With a little smile (or smirk) i walked into the great hall to eat a little breakfast before classes

1,228 words

I have no opinion on this chapter.....


The New Girl From France -S.BTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon