I could only sigh heavily at his response.

I knew Harry didn't hate Draco- and the other way around. But it seemed Malfoy was too blind to notice it and too stubborn to listen to me.

He wasn't the only one who was staring and smiling. Potter did those things, too. But trying to convince him was like trying to bathe your cat.

"Alright, let's just go out and have some fun, then." I rose to sit, "You don't have to talk to him, nor look at him. Just do me a favour and come with me as my best friend. I don't want you to sit here and pity yourself for the rest of the day." I hit him lightly in the arm.

It took him a short while to creep a smile.

"Fine, blondie. Let's get ready."

"I'll see you downstairs in twenty minutes!" I rushed out of his bedroom filled with excitement.

I entered my room and walked up to my wardrobe. I looked through my clothes and after a while, I found the perfect outfit for a day in the city.

I stripped from the comfy clothes and jumped into green, loose trousers and a white corset. I finished my look with some white trainers and a necklace. I brushed out my hair and before leaving my room, I grabbed a small backpack where I put my wallet in.

I walked down the hall and finally went downstairs where I saw Draco waiting for me already. He held two brooms in both of his hands and handed me one of them the minute I walked up to him.

"Looking good, Malfoy," I praised him and saw a smirk creep up on his face.

He was wearing some beige shorts, an emerald button-up with short sleeves and black trainers. He looked quite charming, even though the outfit wasn't super classy.

Well, we were just going to London, after all. Muggles wouldn't care what we would look like.

We walked out of the Manor and mounted our brooms. After a while, we pushed ourselves from the ground and finally flew into the sky, above the Manor. I truly missed this feeling.

An hour passed and we finally found ourselves in London. We landed in one of the empty alleys and got off of our brooms. We rested them against a wall and Draco used a spell to make them visible only for the two of us.

We walked out of the alley, hand in hand. I looked around us, noticing all the tourists and residents. The streets were full since it was summer.

"Merlin, there are so many Muggles," his face confronted in discomfort.

"What did you expect? London has some things to offer when it comes to tourism," I looked at him and raised an eyebrow. "Now come on, we're supposed to meet the Golden Trio at the restaurant." I pulled him behind me.

It was nearly two o'clock, no wonder there were so many people. We passed by shops with souvenirs, florists and a lot of cafeterias.

"I almost forgot- can we go to the ATM first?" I asked him and saw a rather confused face.

"A what?" he frowned at my words.

"Come on, I'll show you," I chuckled and we walked up to one of the machines.

I was really glad to have access to the money that Muggles used. Even though my father didn't come to London often, he still made sure to have a bank account, just in case. I also had my account as well, and a vault at Gringott's.

I pulled out my wallet and put the card in the ATM, then clicked a few buttons. The machine printed the money and I put it in my wallet, along with the card it gave back.

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