The silence sits in the air as the emotion slips through his voice, leaving me to feel unhinged.

"I can sense the glow that you are, and I can compare it now to what it was there and it is so muddled in comparison. It's hard to bite the bullet on the fact I had sat in falsehood for so long.." I can see his eyes meet his own with disdain.

My fingertips fiddle with the bit of string left over from the seam in my pocket, alleviating the anxiety a bit. "Your mom had been good friends with my mom since I could remember. We had always known each other but we hadn't gotten close until a few years ago. You kept to yourself a lot but when I got you out of your shell you were like no one else.."

His thoughts begin to trail as his eyes meet mine through the mirror, a wave of energy rolls down my spine once again. As soon as they meet his eyes drop from mine, and my heart is searching for them.

What are you doing? I think to myself.

"My only guess is that I was planted there, for what reason I am still trying to piece together. There are so many things that I need to spill but so little time to be able to get them all out. I really just needed to feel your soothing energy again, I thought I would find the version of you I knew but I can see that she was only a cheap copy of you.." He trails off a bit as I see the light of the setting sun reflecting off his iris as it shines through a broken out window beside him.

"Look," I start unsteady but then gain footing as I gather myself. "I'm not sure what you're trying to get at by appealing to my emotions but I just have to say it's not going to work. I have no idea who you are, so how am I to believe a thing you are saying?" I ask curtly.

His body twists so he is facing me, his brown matted hair reflects in the mirror behind him as his hands move from the wall he was firm against to the pockets of his ragged scrubs.

"Because I can see you sense energies too, there isn't a way to hide that from me... That's my gift anyways." He raises a brow. The intensity in his eyes pulls me into his words, then he drops eye contact leaving his statement to imprint itself onto my mind's eye. A chill fills the room as he takes his steps towards me, my heart racing at every millisecond.

Sweat is gathered at the crevices of my hands held tight in my pockets and I can't help but imagine every second of the life he lived.. The faint familiarity to it makes the hairs on my arms stand up.

I feel as if he is going to step past me to the door but before he does he stops at my side. His face is no longer at the front of me and I feel his body heat close in on my shoulder. There is no courage left to move away from his heat as he whispers into my ear.

"I can tell you've been feeling on edge lately, like you knew something like this was to come... Now we both are left to find out what the hell is going on." He teters on ominous as the chill floats through his words.

He knocks on the door behind me and I hear the Troop swing it open..

"You coming?" The rough voice asks.

All I am left with is a brief nod as I follow them out, the Troop holding tight to the man's wrists.

* * * * * * * * * *

"What was that all about?" Lilly stops short at my side outside the warehouse. The blinding light from the truck headlights burns itself into my retinas as I zone out . My attention snapping back to Lilly's warm presence beside me.

A faint sense of Deja vu sets quietly on my chest as the evening breeze blows past, the dry air bringing a scratch to the throat

I shake my head in response. "Nonsense." Is all I can say as my mind works itself through the countless trails of questions. A restless feeling of impending doom sits on the forefront of my anxiety.

"Well, what did he say?" She asks.

"Not a lot, but he said he knew I had been feeling off these past couple of weeks... Like I knew something was going to happen" I trail off a bit as a tall troop member comes to guide us to the back of the trucks.

My mind glazes over as the line shrinks and we are piled into the trucks like sardines.

Lilly and I are the last to be packed in, my shoulders squeezing tight to the woman beside me. I can hear faint hollars come from passing guards telling others they're packed and ready to head out. The tall, broad shouldered man that guided us to the truck is just about to shut our door when it swings back open. Headlights blind us and grunts erupt in response. The silhouette of the man shines in the doorway as he shoves a body heavily in, scooting me and Lilly over a bit. I notice the familiar smell of his sweat drenched clothes.

A twisted knot sits in the pit of my stomach as my heartbeat quickens. I don't give him the recognition he's there, I scoot as far over as I can to be sure I'm not connecting my leg with his.

His energy alone is hard to bear but his touch is something much more... The thought sends warning signals down my spine.

• • •

A/N: I've been super sick the past week and I'm just now getting to catching up with everything, I'm sorry for the late update!

I hope you enjoyed this new chapter! How are you liking the flames between Devin and Cynthia?

I hope your day is going as beautiful as you!! 💖💗

I hope your day is going as beautiful as you!! 💖💗

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