"Elizabeth and I have nothing going on," he announced with a frown. "I didn't ever think I'd have to say that. She's obviously not my type. At all"

"I'm glad I'm not," I told him. "But you're so obsessed with me, I might just start thinking you're lying."

He narrowed his eyes at me and I stood up.

"Just leave me alone, that's all I'm asking you to do."

"You're an eyesore."

"And you're a jerk. Why do you have to make my life miserable? Does it feel good?"

"Do you think I enjoy any sort of interaction with you?!" he yelled.

"Then leave me alone!" I yelled back.

"Then just disappear!"

"You disappear!"

"I'd never date a pathetic nerd like you!" he growled.

"You..." I started, but I was too upset to continue and the comeback died in my throat.

I dug my nails into my palm as I willed myself to calm down. Everyone was staring at us and some of them had their phones out.

"That's enough," Kevin growled, coming into view.

He was glaring at Ashton now. His jaw was set and he stood between us.

"Ahem," a teacher said as she entered the cafeteria. "Ashton Rivera and... Elizabeth?"

I sighed. I shouldn't have let my anger get the best of me.

"Both of you come with me."

Ashton rolled his eyes and followed behind her. I was still shocked from the events that had occurred. Alexis and Ramona laughed and walked back over to Nicole who was smiling too.

I shot Callie and Melissa a worried look before going to catch up with the teacher.


"Mr. Rivera," the teacher sighed as we stepped into the empty hallway. "You, I expect to see here." She turned to me, "But Elizabeth, this is a surprise."

I sighed unhappily.

"What did you do?" she asked Ashton. "I could hear you guys from all the way in the staff room."

"Why do you think I started it?" he asked with a smirk.

"Just a feeling."

"It was my fault too," I added softly. "I started the yelling first."

"I'm sorry to hear that. Mr. Rivera here is already on a thin line so I'm going to have to punish him. Unfortunately, that means I can't overlook your actions either."

I waited with bated breath for the judgement she would lay on us.

"After school detention for both of you."

"Detention?" I gasped.

Ashton slouched on the wall beside me looking unbothered. This was normal for him.

"Isn't there anything else we can do?" I pleaded. "I've never gotten a detention before."

This was a big deal to me. The university I wanted to go to was far too competitive. Good grades alone wouldn't cut it.

My record would have to be spotless. I couldn't afford the tuition, so I was working towards a scholarship. I was not about to throw all of that out the window. Especially not because of Ashton Rivera.

She thought about it. "Well, I can give you an unrecorded detention, since it wasn't a very serious offense," she offered. "You'll do your time, but it won't get put on your record."

That wouldn't be so bad. I nodded gratefully. "Thank you."

Ashton scoffed beside me. "Are we done here?"

The teacher glared at him and waved him off. He rolled his eyes at me before walking off. I didn't let him under my skin though. I couldn't believe I had fought with him like that.

I went back to the cafeteria, ignoring all the stares that were cast my way. Melissa and Callie were anxious to hear about what had happened. I filled them in as I picked at the rest of my lunch.

"Cheer up, Liz, it's just detention," Callie said, rubbing my arm. "I've gotten too many of those to count. Don't worry about it."

I nodded. I'd have to take responsibility for my actions. Looks like I was a rebel again.

Fun fact: Melissa and Ramona were friends in freshman year before Melissa met Elizabeth, Kevin and Callie

Hey lovelies! Thanks for reading!

Uh oh! Looks like Elizabeth and Ashton managed to land themselves in detention.

Could this be Ashton's chance to tell her everything?

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