Start from the beginning

"You know who else escaped?" Tristan asked.

She shook her head. Maybe Guinevere was dead as well...

"Come on, we should leave." he said, sadness in his voice, Dewdenn was no longer a place he could call home "It isn't worth to stay here."

"Go where?"

Tristan sighed "I don' t know. Gramire or maybe Camelot, as far from here as possibile..."

The women followed Tristan, he was the only familiar face for her, maybe they can escape.

Looking back at the ruin of his village, the man felt nothing but regret and pain. Now Tristan had two things to do, survive and find his sister.


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She and Squirrel found a relatively safe place, far from The Monk. Guinevere was laying on the cold ground looking at the stars, trying to digest all the events. Squirrel was staring at her, he felt closer to Guinevere after all they've been through.

"Does your leg still hurt?"

"I am trying not to think about it." she said softly. Her leg hurt a lot, but she got used to it, the pain was now easier to bear.

"Why do you think he let us leave?" they boy asked, reffering to The Monk.

"I wish I knew, little knight. I wish I knew..." Guinevere was curious about this monk. First of all, he said she wasn't fey and that was really possibile, but how did he know?
What was with his weeping eyes?
Why did he spared them?

"Are you cold, Squirrel?" she asked as she saw the small boy shivering.

"A little..."

Guinevere took off her cloak, wrraping it around his small body.
He thaked her,resting his head on her lap, trying to get some sleep.


The next morning, they woke up tired and hungry, but they kept walking, trying to find food and a place to stay.

Guinevere and Squirrel were trying to avoid any attention, they were unarmed and weak, the perfect prey.

They arrived in some open area, something like a meadow, neither of them knew where exactly. Squirrel heard some noise from behind the trees.

"Who is there? Show yourself!" she demanded. She touched her waist, looking for her father's sword, but it wasn't there, she left it in Dewdenn. She left behind the only thing from Raphael.

From behind the trees appeared someone, probably a male with a green helmet with antlers. What the fuck was this?

"Born in the dawn..."

"...to pass in the twilight." finished Squirrel.

He took off his helmet reavealing a familiar face. It was Gawain. Gawain was a Sky Folk from Dewdenn, Guinevere remembered him vaguely, as he left when she was little.

"Gawain!" she said like she couldn't belive her eyes. It took a while for him to recogise her.


She smiled, rushing to give him a hug which he happily returned. She and Squirrel were finally safe.

"You know each other?" Squirrel asked as he watched the interaction beetwen them.

"He used to live in Dewdenn." said Guinevere. "What's up with the helmet?"

He only smiled and winked at her, his gesture not satisfying the girl's couriosity.

She laughed a little. "I think you had an interesting life after you left."

"You have no idea." he smiled at her. "Let's go now, we will be safe."

"Where are we going?" asked Squirrel.

"Nemos." he simply said.

"What's that?" Guinevere chimed in.

"A place, the fey resistence is hiding there. Come on, the wagon is waiting."

Guinevere took Squirrel's hand, both following The Green Knight.


They arrived to Nemos almost at nightfall. Nemos was indeed a beautiful place, similar to Dewdenn. They were safe, they were home.

"What kind of fey are you?" the healer asked Guinevere. On their way here, Gawain noticed her injured leg, inssisting she sees a healer.

She froze, remembering the Monk's words, you are not fey...

"Sky Folk." Guinevere answered, half-hearted. She couldn't get his words out of her head. She was adopted, so there was a possibility this was true.

Guinevere hissed in pain as the healer put some mixture on her wound.

"It will hurt, but tomorow you feel fresh. You should stay here for the night."

She thanked the healer. As he left, Gawain entered.

"How are you?" he asked, resting his arm against a wooden table.

"I'll be fine, thank you, " she smiled " where's Squirrel?"

"That boy who was with you?" she nodded. "He went to sleep, Alicia took care of him."

Guinevere had no idea who Alicia was, but didn't want to ask.

"How were things in Dewdenn?" Gawain questioned, as he pulled himself a chair next to Guinevere.

"It was the usual, nothing interesting..." she smiled sadly, memories of her home playing in her head. "You know, I really wanna hear your stories, how did you got the name of The Green Knight?" Guinevere tried to change the subject.

Gawain chuckeled. They talked for a while, but eventually they got tired and went to sleep. Guinevere slept well that night, no more hiding, no more fear.

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