(21) chats in between

Start from the beginning

Kunimi- idk their team isn't arriving till tmr

Kindaichi- oh so you're alone?

Kunimi- uh

Kindaichi- are you

Kunimi- yeah

Kindaichi- what's your room number

Kunimi- no Kindaichi

Kindaichi- why not

Kunimi- I don't want you to get in trouble

Kindaichi- I reallllyy don't care

Kunimi- ...

Kindaichi- come on

Kunimi- :/

Kindaichi- Kunimi.

Kunimi- no

Kindaichi- Kunimi.

Kunimi- how about we just call?

Kindaichi- what? Why?

Kunimi- ...well you're horny right?

Kindaichi- yes. We finally would get a room alone

Kunimi- Kindaichi I still don't want to have sex yet...

Kindaichi- okay.

Kunimi- are you mad

Kindaichi- idc

Kunimi- ...do you want to call?

Kindaichi- no

Kunimi- ....please?

Kindaichi- no I'm going to sleep

Kunimi- I'm sorry

Kindaichi- okay

Kunimi- ...if we call I'll show you something

Kindaichi- like what?

Kunimi- me.. i just got done showering

Kindaichi- fine.

Kunimi- okay :)

-Konoha and Daishou chat-

Konoha- heyo~

Daishou- ooo ~

Konoha- 😏

Daishou- wassup

Konoha- oh I'm just hella bored

Daishou- me too

Konoha- wanna play a game

Daishou- okay what game

Konoha- idk ever kissed a girl?

Daishou- yes lmfao
My first love was a girl

Konoha- oh... really?

Daishou- don't get jealous, we ended a long time ago

Konoha- what was her name?

Daishou- Mika

Konoha- did you have sex with her

Daishou- geez uh yes

Konoha- oh

Daishou- she was my first actually

Konoha- Hmm

Daishou- hey

Konoha- what

Daishou- stop being jealous

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