How he asks you out||your fave

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Aries-writing it on a cake

Taurus-having one of those blimps pass by that says 'be my girlfriend'

Gemini-writes a song about him asking you to be his girlfriend and then singing it at one of there gigs or concert

Cancer-just flat out asks you

Leo-writing it on a pizza box

Virgo-he asks you out at prom when you win home king and queen

Libra-he writes it in the snow with FOOD COLORING. YA nasties thought it was gonna be pee didn't you? Nahh. He has more class than that.

Scorpio-he spells it out in food

Sagittarius-he writes you a poem about how much he likes you. The. At the end he asks you.

Capricorn-he flat out asks you too

Aquarius-and you too. He just asks you too because he is just not creative at all.


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