pt. 14

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"In all honesty Aurora, I cheated on him. He doesn't know that, but it's the truth. I just couldn't bring myself to say it."

I was shocked by this, I never would have expected Josh and Debby to break up at all but to break up because of cheating?

Trying to find words, I said "Well I think you did the right thing. Josh doesn't deserve that."

I could tell she was upset about what I just said by the way the silence grew awkward. I just don't understand people who cheat, obviously you don't love the person you're with if you'd sleep with someone else.

The silence was interrupted by Debby, "Okay well I'll talk to you later Aurora."

We hung up and I went back to my thoughts about cheating. Am I being a hypocrite because I took Tyler back? Although he didn't actually cheat on me I suppose. We were'nt really together and Jenna wasn't actually someone he wanted.

I fell asleep thinking and woke up an hour later to the alarm I put on my phone before Debby called. Great, now I have class.

Grudgingly, I dragged myself out of the comfort of my bed and into the shower.

Cold water pelted my skin, desperately trying to wake me up. I wanted more than anything to crawl back into bed and avoid going to class but I knew I couldn't.

As I walked to school I remembered what Debby told me about how she cheated on Josh and I could feel the disgust all over again.

Debby seemed like such a nice person, I never expected her to be the type to cheat but I guess you can't judge a book by its cover. Poor Josh, I have to remember to call him.

"Hey girl," Christie jogged up to me, pulling me out of my thoughts.

I acknowledge her with a head nod and she continues, "I haven't seen you in awhile, did you drop some classes?"

"No, I just have had a lot on my plate so I was taking a little break."

"OMG, OMG. Give me all of the details," she squealed excitedly.

That's Christie, always one to shove her nose into everything. "It's nothing Christie, I just needed some time."

"Oh, okay," her face looked a little defeated. "Well I guess I'll talk to you later."

Christie stalked away looking as though I'd just hit her or something. I know she really wants to know what's going on in my life but I knew it was less out of concern for me and more about her just wanting some drama, which I can't stand.

The morning dragged and flew by at the same time, giving me a weird feeling of nostalgia. When it was time for lunch I checked my phone to see a text from Tyler:

"Good morning you beautiful ray of sunshine, how are you? Want to get some lunch?"

I shot him a text back and told him to meet me at my favorite little cafe, Santa Rita. It was just off campus, making my walk from the school an easy five minutes.

I knew Tyler would take some time, so I decided to call Josh. He picked up on the third ring and his voice sounded gravelly, like he'd just woken up. "Hey," he said.

"Hey how are you feeling? Any better?"

He coughed and lied, "Yeah."

"Have you talked to Debby?" My heart pounded as I waited for his answer, I didn't want to tell him about her cheating but I knew I had to.

"Yeah she was really worried, she said she was going to come pick me up from the hospital. I get discharged this afternoon."

"Do you really think that's a good idea, Josh?" I was back peddling on my plan to tell him, maybe I should just leave it to Deb.

"I mean no, not really, but we have some things to work through and talk about."

"Do you know what happened?" I asked as innocently as I could.

"If you're asking if I know she cheated on me then yes, I do. That's why I was all over you."

To my surprise, that kind of stung. Josh was only going to use me to hurt Debby, if I had let it happen. I guess I don't mean as much to him as I thought.

All I could say was, "Oh," then as an afterthought, "What should we tell Tyler about that anyway?"

"Tell me about what?" Ty's sweet voice radiated around me.

"Did you hear me?" Josh asked through the phone, but I hadn't been listening.

"No, what was that? Sorry, Tyler just got here for our lunch date."

"Well I said just tell him nothing, unless he asks. Tyler is really weird about that kind of thing. He'd probably freak and blame both of us."

As Josh said that, Tyler sat down across from me at the little iron table we had outside on the patio.

"Understood," I said. "I'll talk to you later, feel better," and hung up.

"Tell me about what?" Tyler repeated.

"Oh nothing," I lied. Josh just doesn't need picked up from the hospital anymore. Debby is going to get him."

Tyler rolled his eyes,"Well whatever, if he wants to get involved with her again."

I nodded in silent agreement while I looked at my menu. Tyler surprised me by taking my free hand in his and lacing our fingers together over the table. His hand felt warm in my cold one and for the millionth time today I wondered how a person like him could love a person like me.

"How are your classes?"

"They're coming along, I got assigned a poetry project today that may require a bit of your expertise," I smiled at him.

Tyler chuckled in response and agreed to help me. A few minutes later a waiter came to take our orders."Hi welcome to Santa Rita," he rolled the 'r' over-enthusiastically, "My name is Gavin and I'll be your waiter," he said as he set down a coaster for each of us. "What can I get you guys to drink?"

Tyler and I both blurted, "Water." Causing us to look at each other and smile. The waiter, too, let a grin slip.

"Coming right up."

Tyler's eyes were still on me and I found myself feeling a little self conscious, wondering if my hair was in the right place or if there was any food in my teeth.

"You are truly beautiful," he said with a smile, shaking his head. I felt my face redden in the May heat, butterflies erupting in my stomach.

Quickly I changed the subject, "So what are you going to get?"

"Mmmm. Maybe some burritos?" He imitated the waiter's extravagant 'r' rolling which made me laugh.

Before he could join in though, the waiter was back. "Okay guys," he put or drinks down. "Are you ready to order?"

"Yeah," Tyler said, this time without me interrupting him. "I'd like a three cheese bean burrito."

"Okay, and for you miss?"

"Uh, just a cheese quesadilla."

"Alright, that I can do."

When the waiter left I pulled my straw out of its paper and took a long gulp of water.

"So," Tyler started, taking my hands in his again after I was finished. "What are your plans for tonight?"

Too busy focusing on not blushing as he made little circles on my wrist, I wasn't listening. "What?"

"I said, what are you doing tonight?"

You, I thought to myself but decided it'd be better if I didn't say. "Well I have class until three, and then nothing I guess."

"Good," Tyler smirked mischievously, never a good sign.

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