Perfect Proposals ^

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Overview: The cast is grown up and Josh wants to propose to Olivia : Requested by hsmtmts_fam

A/N - Just a note, we're pretending the drama and everything that happened with Josh, Sabrina and Olivia didn't happen for this story.

Ten years. It had been ten years of being in each other's lives. Nine years since they started to realize how much they truly meant to each other. Eight years since sharing their first kiss one late night in his car. Seven years since the first 'I love you' uttered between them under a starry sky. Six years since they celebrated their one-year anniversary at his apartment with a home-cooked meal. Five years since things between them hit a sudden and messy end after a big fight. Four years since the filming of the show that brought them together came to an end. Three years since they found their way back to each other after an emotional talk. Two years of officially living together in their 19th floor Los Angeles apartment. One year of carrying around that damn ring in his pocket. Ten years and it had all been leading up to this.

He knew they were still pretty young, she was 26 and he was 28, but he'd known for a long time. Olivia was his best friend and maybe buying that engagement ring after only a year of living together, especially at their ages, was a little rash but when he saw the ring, he knew he had to. He was strolling in and out of jewelry stores casually looking, trying to get some ideas for her birthday gift and the engagement ring caught his eye. 

It was a white gold band twisted with a diamond-encrusted band on the top, all brought together with a beautiful yet not too extravagant diamond set dead in the center. He couldn't exactly explain it but when he saw that ring, he knew that it was meant for Olivia and he knew he'd kick himself if he let it get away. It was fairly pricy and it's not like he was planning on proposing then, but if one day the time was to come like he hoped it would, he knew he needed the ring. In a spur-of-the-moment decision, he purchased it and now had been holding onto it for just over a year, waiting until the time felt right. 

The time felt right.

He didn't know why, nothing really changed between them. One night he went to bed holding her tight and being so perfectly content with how they were, the next morning he woke up and he just felt it. If he had to narrow it down to one moment, it would've been that night while they sat in bed scrolling through their phones and talking. Olivia had shown him an old picture of them, made some horribly cheesy joke that he couldn't really recall and had caused herself to burst into a fit of uncontrollable laughter. He just smiled at her, shaking his head and watching her in awe. That was the moment he realized, I'm ready to spend the rest of my life with this perfect girl.

So that morning while she was out with some friends, he had worked up the nerve and called her father. The whole "asking for his blessing" thing was more of a formality than anything seeing as it was the twenty-first century and Olivia was more than capable of making her own decisions. Nevertheless though, he was on really good terms with her parents and he wanted to give her dad the heads up out of respect. After nervously stuttering around for a while, he finally got around to asking and her father had granted his blessing excitedly. The whole thing just made it all seem so much more real. 


For about a week he had worked nonstop on his plan for the night, trying to make it perfect. He told Madison, Olivia's best friend, about it, and after she squealed for a full minute straight, she had eagerly agreed to help him. She took Olivia out for the day under the guise of just hanging out and getting their hair and nails done. The plans were her idea as she guaranteed that her best friend would want to look great for the big evening, even though he insisted she always looked great. Maddie had just scoffed at his cheesiness when he said that and booked the appointments anyways.  

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