Disastrous Dinners ^

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Overview: Olivia tries to surprise Josh but everything seems to be going wrong

Josh and Olivia had pretty much been inseparable since that first day together in the audition room. What had started off as a work relationship had quickly grown into a deep and meaning friendship which had not long after turned into a romantic relationship. She had known for a long time that she was falling for him and he had as well but neither of them were brave enough to ask the other out, both too scared to step past the line of friendship.

It was a quiet Friday night partway through filming season 1 of the show and they were working on their song, Just For A Moment. Josh had said something funny and she was laughing, both of them were kind-of delirious from lack of sleep. He always loved the way she laughed, there was nothing he'd rather do then make her smile. He blamed the exhaustion for the sudden burst of courage as he leaned over and kissed her.

That night they talked things over and he decided to ask her on a real date to which she had happily accepted. Ever since then, although they had their ups and downs, their relationship only continued to grow. Now they were back in Salt Lake to film season 2 of the show and they were coming up on their official 1 year anniversary. Usually for anniversaries, they'd go out to a nice dinner then go over to his apartment to watch Netflix, play music, just do whatever they wanted. However with quarantine still in effect, there weren't any restaurants that could be open.

She didn't want to downplay herself but Josh had kind-of always taken a bit more of the lead in their relationship. It wasn't like she wasn't invested in it, she was totally, completely head over heals for him, however he had always been more of the romantic gestures type. Whether it be gifts, birthdays, dates, flowers, you name it, Josh was always on top of those sorts of things. She tried, she really did do her best but most of the time, the whole romance thing didn't come very naturally to her.

So when Josh told her that he figured they could just stay in and order take-out for the night, she took it as the perfect opportunity to finally be the one to make the big romantic gesture. They were driving back to his apartment to hangout for the rest of the day after a short day of filming when she set her plan in action.

"Hey so I was talking to Tim earlier today and he asked me to come in on Saturday afternoon for some reshoots, he said it's gonna be a late night." She said turning down the music they were singing along to.

"Saturday night?" He asked sounding a little upset as Saturday was there anniversary.

"I know babe, I'm really sorry it sucks. I could talk to Tim and maybe try get out of it?" She offered already knowing what his response would be.

"No Liv, it's work I completely understand. It's no problem, we could just celebrate on Sunday instead right?" He spoke affectionately. "Hey maybe I can come down to the studio with you and we could hang out while you're not shooting?" He suggested because of course he wanted to find a way to make it work, even if that meant he'd have to sit around doing nothing for hours.

"As much as I would love having you there, it's your day off and I don't want you to waste it sitting and watching me do retakes for hours." She said laughing and he smiled.

"Watching you act is never a waste of time." He stated in possibility the most cheesy manner she had ever seen.

"You're sweet but not gonna happen." She said giggling a bit and he huffed over-dramatically mumbling a barely audible "fine." 


The week came and went and Saturday had finally arrived. She told Josh she had to work when she actually had the full day off. The other part of her plan involved looping in Matt and getting him to invite Josh over for the afternoon and he was all too happy to comply, their bromance was unmatched. She knew Josh was at Matt's place and he promised to keep him there until around 6pm so Olivia knew she had time, time which she was most definitely going to need.

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