Longing Love *

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Overview: Josh teaches Olivia how to drive after they celebrate Just For A Moment and they both like each other but neither knows : Requested by CarlyAllen06

It was insane. That was pretty much the only thought running through Olivia's head for the past hour or so. She wrote a song with Josh and that song got selected to be featured in an episode of a Disney show, their show. The whole thing was surreal, it made no sense and yet, here they were sitting at In N' Out, eating burgers, fries and milkshakes in celebration. 

It was Josh's idea. When Tim first broke the good news, she immediately jumped into his arms, it was almost reflexive. The way he spun her around and held her tight made her heart stutter in the best way possible. She got lost in their little moment for a bit before moving to pull their amazing producer into another hug. After all, he was the reason they had the opportunity in the first place and what an opportunity it was. Shortly after they spread the good news to their friends and families, Josh had gently pulled her aside from all the happy chaos and asked if she wanted to go grab food, just the two of them, to celebrate. Of course she agreed, she was overjoyed and on a high from all the excitement. Maybe she should've slowed down and thought things through to realize being alone with him might not've been the best idea in her current situation.

Olivia had always felt like she had a sort of connection to Josh ever since their first time singing together at the auditions, as cheesy as that did sound. She didn't fool herself into thinking it was some sort-of soulmates, "meant to be", straight out of a romcom connection, but there was just something about him that made her heart glow a little. When they quickly grew close while working together, she wasn't really surprised. It kind-of just made perfect sense to her, it was that connection she felt. What she wasn't counting on, was how quickly those lines of friendship blurred for her and how quickly she found herself falling for the boy she called her best friend.

She had it bad enough as it was, spending day after day with him, knowing how she felt about him but never being able to say anything. However, when they started working on the song together, that's when she really learnt how bad she had it. They started spending basically double the amount of time together, which she didn't think was possible and they somehow grew even closer, which she also didn't think was possible. It was hard to keep her feelings in check when she was supposed to be writing a song about being in love with your co-star who is also your best friend while you're working together but not being able to tell them. If there was some sort of higher being out there, they sure did have a cruel sense of humour. 

So now she was screwed. She was in love with Josh. Josh saw her as a friend. She would have to live with that pain in her heart every time she thought about it. End of story.  


This was crazy. That was pretty much the only thought running through Josh's head for the past hour or so. He wrote a song with Olivia and that song got chosen to be used in an episode of a Disney show, their show. The whole thing was unbelievable, it made no sense and yet, here they were sitting at In N' Out and eating burgers, fries  and milkshakes in celebration.

It was his idea. When their producer first broke the good news, Olivia had wasted not even a single second before launching herself into his arms. Not that he minded though, in fact it was anything but as he held her tightly and spun her around in excitement. He got lost in their hug for a moment before she pulled away to include Tim. Of course he immediately followed suit because he was forever grateful to the man who made it all happen. He enjoyed the celebration and telling all of their fellow cast-mates, crew and pretty much everyone they knew but he also kind-of just wanted some time alone with Olivia. He had pulled her aside when they had a second to breath and offered to drive the two of them to go grab lunch to talk about everything. Maybe he should've thought with his head instead of his heart when making that decision because now he'd put himself in a questionable situation.

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