[Humantale - Frans Week #2 / Weather]

Start from the beginning

   Sans opened his eyes and looked at his hand, which raised up when he spoke.

   "Rain... it feels misunderstood. Everyone thinks it's depressing, and it hides the sun. But... I see it as a reminder that everything is okay. That everything will get better."

   He continued on. "Rain leads to rainbows. It leads to the dew on morning leaves, and for the clouds to be light again. It reminds me to be in the moment... it's just relaxing, you know? It's difficult to explain. The sound and feel of it is just so natural to me."

Frisk waited a bit before answering. Her voice light and breathless. "That's... beautiful."

   "Yeah." He smiled.

   They stayed in the moment for just a little longer.

   Sans pointed to a house at the end of the street. "That's mine." They walked to their destination rather quickly.

   "Thank you." Frisk let a small grin slip onto her face, him doing the same. "No problem, I enjoyed your company. I hope we meet again, Sans."


   Frisk stared at the rain outside the window when she got home, that evening.


A week later, the sun decided to come out again. All traces of cloudy weather were gone.

Frisk felt a drop of disappointment at that, but that was overpowered with joy for the sun.

She loved sunlight, and all that came with it. So, today, she sat perched on a branch of a tree. The sunlight danced through the leaves, emitting a soft glow.

The nearby park had the sounds of children cheering and birds chirping an aubade. The particular tree she was sat in was farther away from that, down one of the trails you could walk.

   "Hey, we meet again."

   A voice below her called. She recognized it as Sans.

   The rain boy.

   "Hi," she called back down. A quick idea came by. "If you're not busy, do you want to join me?" The rustling of grass was her answer, and he soon sat on a nearby branch.

"What're you doing in a tree?" He asked curiously.

Frisk smiled and shook her head, enjoying the rays of light. "While you're a pluviophile, I'm a heliophile. I love the sun."

   Sans could see that, as she was clearly happy. Her warm brown eyes had sparks of light in them, hair softly blowing in the breeze, and her smile was radiant.

"Why?" He mirrored the question she asked a week ago.

She was silent for a moment, collecting her thoughts.

"It's not because it's bright and happy, if that's what you think. I like it because everything is so... lively. People are out, enjoying their lives. Everything seems to be glowing with joy, and it brings this warm flare to my chest. I can't describe it."

"And I love it for what it represents, too. Dawn, dusk, sunrise, sunset. Wherever it goes, it gives light. When it sets for one person, it's rising for another."

Sans hummed a response. He observed their surroundings, trying to understand how she saw it.

The daylight hit every surface, basking a soft glimmer to whatever was around them. Frisk seemed to be glowing from his view.

She's stunning.

And so, they kept light conversation, enjoying the warmth of day. The sun set as they parted ways, but it would rise again soon.


The two met more often, befriending each other. It was as if fate designed it. Feelings of love sprouted in them.

Frisk began daydreaming of dancing in the rain.

Sans would wish of watching the sunrise.

But neither thought that they'd kiss during a sunshower.

Yet they did.

The light caught every raindrop, the warmth contrasting the cool water. The sprinkle of precipitation slid down their heads, unnoticed.

When their lips met, it was as if igniting a flare inside, their heartbeats echoing the sound of rain.

They were happy and in love, rain or shine.

I did it- The ending is rushed, though.

Anyway, I really liked where this was going! Though I can't write kiss scenes- What did you guys think?

Remember that I platonically love you all, stay safe!

-1230 words-

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