11.) Hospital wing...... again

Start from the beginning

"True" I agreed, looking down at her, but she quickly looked away

Once we made it down o the common room, of corse, James was the one to complain

"What took you guys so long" James sighed " we have to be at the pitch in 30 minutes!"

"Ok, sorry, i couldn't find my jersey" I surrendered

Good luck guys!" Lily exclaimed "Alice and I will be down in 10 minutes!"

"Good luck!" Alice chimed, making her ay down the girl's stairs

"Thanks, bye!" Tatum smiled, Merlin, I love her smile

"Soooo, what took you so long to come back from Sirius's dorm?" I heard Marlene chuckle to Tatum

"Soooo, what took you so long" James asked, basically coping Marlene's words

"We just talked, but-"

"That sounds like a good but" James chuckle

"Ha ha, anyway, since I hadn't found my jersey, she came in when I had no shirt on, her eyes did not leave my chest until I went back looking in my trunk"

"Ooooooo, I smell progress"


"Anyway, I was thinking-" James got onto his quidditch rant, but I wasn't listening

"Oh please tay, I see the way you look at him" I heard Marlene say, causing butterflies in my stomach, I bent my head down as I didn't want anyone seeing the smile on my face and the blush

"What's that supposed to mean" i heard Tatum say

"I mean, I heard him say he was looking for his jersey, that most likely means he had no shirt on, hence why you came down the stairs all flushed face, you must like him, at least a little bit " Marlene wasn't wrong though

I caught Tatum look up at me, I turned to James, making it look like I was listening, when I really wasn't

I just want to hear what Tatum says

"Damn, you could be in Ravenclaw" Tatum said-

DOES THAT MEAN SHE FUCKING LIKES ME!! Did she just say she likes me, even if its a little bit, ITS PROGRESS

"Oh I have some new to tell you" I whispered to James, interrupting the middle of his rant

"Well, spill-"

"I was right!!" Marlene interrupted

"Why are you right?" James asked, turning around                       

"Ease dropping much" Marlene said

"Its not ease dropping babe, you kinda yelled that" I smirked, also turning around, but knowing what Marlene and Tatum were talking about

"Well go back to your- whatever you were doing, this does not concern you" Marlene sassed

"Ok princess, whatever you say" I smirked, sending a wink to Tatum

James and I went a little bit further than the Marlene and Tatum, but just so they were far away, not to hear what I as going to say

"Ok, Spill, what-" James started

"I think Tatum likes me" I said


"Wow, thanks" I rolled my eyes, but I knew what he ment

"How do you know?"

"I don't know, but I think so because her and Marlene were just talking, Marlene said something like 'I heard him say he was looking for his jersey, must mean he didn't have a shirt on-"

"Which is true" James interrupted

"Yeah, anyway she goes 'you came down that stairs all red faced"

"Which is also true"

"Ok but listen to this, Marlene said 'come on, you must like him, at least a little bit' but, but Tatum replies with 'damn, you could be in Ravenclaw-"

James grabbed my hands and started to jump up and down, acting like a first year girl

"Padfoot! I think so to! She could-'

"Prongs, shut up, please"

"Sorry, just trying to be supportive" James rolled his eyes

"Thanks, but their literally right there"

"Oh yeah, forgot about that" James chuckle, sometimes he can be a little dense

Making our way down to the pitch, in time to finish getting ready

After 5 minutes, the match had started

1,168 words


Pt 1 of this, the next chapter will also be the same day and in Sirius's POV, coming out tomorrow!

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