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A hectic week passed. The only upside came with no recent kidnappings, leaving the Vigilante part of my life quite stagnant. However, that left me to catch up on my poorly neglected school life. I felt the need to wrap things up tightly. On top of that, I regulated my visits to the gym with my aunt, not allowing myself to fall out of shape.

Wednesday night came quickly, the night I had been dreading all along.

In my closed room, I scan myself in the long mirror nailed against my closet door. I kept my outfit simple, moveable. Jeans, a black, long shirt and heavy combat boots of matching colour. Not widely different from the outfits I usually wore on missions- only missing a leather mask and gloves. My hair is tied back, out of my face in a low ponytail. In part, I am trying to appear intimidating. It comes with being the Vigilante, each outfit comes with a persona. I truly believe in another life, I'd make a repute actress- my ability to lie only benefited.

Of course, any Vigilante outfit I wear would not be complete without a plethora of hidden weapons about my clothing. Under my jacket and shirt and even in the cuffs of my pants were hidden blades, knives and even a taser.

But I never truly feel complete or safe without my fold knife. Picking it up from my dressing table, I tuck it safely in the waistband of my pants, where it presses against the skin of my hip like a hand held for comfort. Call it sentiment.

I walk out my room at last to find Aaleyah already waiting at the couch.

"You ready?" she asks upon seeing me.

I nod, "You have the flash-drive?"

Within the past week, Aaleyah had done well in finding more information on Epifano. Information had been scarce, but with the knowledge that he is in Boston, we knew where to look. Aaleyah managed to obtain some knowledge of a private jet landing in Boston a month ago under the name Reginald E. We also compiled a long list of law offenders in Boston who had gotten out on bail by Epifano. Smith was not the only man seemingly working for him out of debt. All these people would possibly be lackeys for Epifano's . . . system.

She nods, flashing me the green flash-drive, fastened around her neck by a long chain.

"You sure you want to come?" I ask, now, a last attempt in getting her to stay home. To secure her own safety.

Aaleyah had never gone on physical Vigilante missions with me. Of course, that excludes the times she spent staked out near my mission destination, in order to call in if anything went wrong.

But today she plans on entering with me. I could tell why. She had asked me about partnering with the gang after news of another missing person came out. She was angry, rightfully, but even in a fit of anger, I can tell partnering with a gang still leaves her skeptical.

"If you're discussing a partnership, I need to be there to talk about the things I've found on police records." She fiddles with the flash drive.

I narrow my eyes at her slightly. "I can do it, if you want."

I watch her close her eyes, a breath escaping her lips in a small huff. She squeezes her fist over the drive as she looks up at me. "Are you sure we should do this?"

There it is.

Her second guessing had been obvious all day today. Her constant fidgeting, her lack of an appetite for anything but coffee. I knew from the moment I caught her zoning out during our conversation about the police files this morning.

I purse my lips, "I can't think of a better option."

"What if we go to the police?" She asks.

Whilst her fingers fidget about her hoodie, I lean against the couch, but my chin stays high. "They have no evidence to work with. We'll get shut down."

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