💗Day 12: Family💗

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In the evening; Luke was preparing some dinner for both his husband and his new little puppy, Peanut Butter. Yes, they named their new puppy Peanut Butter since he has the name color as Luke's hair; but a little more darker. He was the same size a plate; very little; and very adorable.

Zander tried his best to take care of the little puppy. Sometimes it would go on top of his purple obre hair and bark sofyly..and oh boy..Zander couldn't stand those cute, little barks.

He carried the brown puppy with his two hands and he couldn't just help but squeal.

Luke laughed and carried some lukewarm meals. Soup; since it was really cold outside and some glasses of water. Zander today bought some puppy treats for Peanut Butter and that little pup was a really fast eater.

Why is this puppy so adorable..Zander said to himself. It cuddled to the purple onces lap; looking at the European man with puppy dog eyes he didn't want to see.

Zander wasn't really feeling jake right now. The puppy was too adorable. "Are you okay, Zander?" Luke said, almost chuckling.

"I love this puppy so much, Luke.." Zander whispered; his periwinkle eyes sparkled.


Luke petted the puppy's head softly. He then wrapped a blanket around his husband and the little puppy. The family leaned againsts the warm couch and Luke put his head on Zander's shoulder.

"Great, now you're both cuddling me.." the periwinkle man blushed and looked away.

Luke chuckled softly. "I love you..you love me..we're a happy family~" that's the same thing Luke sang before they got engaged. Lander Month.

Zander's mood softened. He remembered what Luke said before.

We'll be married have two kids..and a little puppy.

And that was just the beginning..

"I keep thinking of what would it be like when we get married.." Zander said. Luke smirked and cuddled his to-be husband closer.

"Me too, darling.." Luke said. "But, with with you..I know everything will be alright.."

Don't you worry about a thing, 'cause every little thing will be alright

For as long as I can be with you..

I know everything will be okay.

Don't ya worry! About a thing~

'Cause every little thing is gonna be alright~ UwU

(This reminds me of Lander month #1 Day:2 honestly XD)

And so..I was imagining something..what if there was a Doki Doki Homies Club? Where Drew, Liam, Henry, and Jake are Doki Doki characters XD that would be..very interesting..don't you think?
Who would be Sayori, Yuri, Natsuki, and Monika 0w0 ?
If you were protagonist, who would you choose to be your boi XD?

Anyway, I hope you enjoyed and have a good jake day!!!

(Oh, and just in case you're wondering jake means "all right", I searched up names yesterday--XD)

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