⭐ Day 22: The Stars ⭐

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It's almost the wedding--
Holy nuts I need to get ready!

*sigh* I am SO- so sorry for publishing this late- thank motivation for letting me publish this today- cuz honestly, I didn't feel like publishing anything for just today because of a certain reason--

Other than that enjoy:

Today, the two peanut butter and jelly couple decided to watch the stars at night together. They both set up a picnic blanket and a telescope to see all the beautiful like-fireflies in the sky. It was almost like magic to this day.

Peanut Butter decided to join in as well; he layed beside the scarf man, cuddling to him close as Zander took a picture on it to his phone and stare at it for a few hours-

Since their wedding is almost there, they decided that starting today, they would have some fun cute, couple-like things to do every single day. Just the two of them, before their wedding. Even though after their wedding they're'll be a honeymoon and that's when they will be spending more and more time together.

Zander layed on the soft blanket; seeing the black sky with twinkle lights made it so satisfying for him to see. Watching the stars is also like watching the clouds because you get to see what the constellations are.

Luke layed beside him with Peanut Butter on his chest resting comfortably. "Oh, look! That's a Draco constellation!" The scarf man pointed to a pattern up at the sky; it looked kind of like a zing-zag lasso.

Luke studied constellations in school before, it was amazing to see all the little white dots in the sky turn to something more majestic and shiny.

"The stars are beautiful.." Zander sighed, his eyes sleepy and ajar.

Luke smirked and turned his eyes onto his finacè's direction. "Not as beautiful as you.." he said softly.

Zander's eyes widen and his face turned a bright shade of red. "O-oh..Luke come on.." he groaned, laying still.

Afterwards, Luke sat up and put Peanut Butter down to Zander's chest since he was asleep. All could the periwinkle man-eyed man could see was a little puppy just sleeping right beside him. He tried not to look; but it was too hard to resist!

The scarf man layed down again, this time next to his beloved. "You know..for the first time in forever..I think I'm not nervous for our wedding anymore."

Zander's eyes half closed and he turned to Luke and their noses touch. The scarf man gently kissed his love on the nose. The feeling shows. Zander couldn't help but just smile even just for a while and his face turned a bright shade of red.

"I love you, Zander.." Luke said, cupping his finacè's cheek; then kissing Zander's lip with a peck.

"I love you, too.."

I hope you all enjoyed that Lander day UwU
I realized I didn't make a thing with Jailey recently Im so sorry-
But after thinking for a million months I finally know what to do! ^^

Here's a Jailey extra for you all ♡:

"La la la la..la la la laa..la la la laa~" a teal lady cut some scraps while humming Meant to Be to herself. The sun was shining bright as she was putting pictures into a special book of hers.

All of a blink second, she heard a smack on the door. "Hails! Sweetheart!" Hailey's eyes widen as she turned and saw her finacè standing in the doorway.

"What is it, honey?"

"We both got a certificate for being the best workers in State Farm!"

Hailey smirked. "That's great, but doesn't that happen every single time because I tell you stop talking about your jacket?"

Jake rolled his eyes at the sudden "compliment". "Well, it's not just that! The whole State Farm companies want to hire us as special workers! They told me we can be the..'Simpactuar Duo' or something.." he suddenly looked through what his future-wife was doing. "Oh, what's that you got there?"

"Oh!" Hailey grabbed her big book and showed it to her future husband excitedly. "Since Luke and Zander aren't the only ones waiting for the next epis- I mean their wedding, I made a scrapbook on all the memories we have before our wedding."

The blonde-peach man smirked. "Huh..I didn't know you were much excited for our wedding as I thought.."

"Oh, you little simp, of course I am." Hailey looked into the pictures of her scrapbook. Some being this month where both Zander and Milly fight over who gets Peanut Butter and Luke hugging his dear o'l drums. ( Lustine 😎👌).

Jake bent down to his waifu- I mean his future wife. "I'm just scared Zander will embarrass me in front of the whole crowd."

Hailey chuckled softly. "You're adorable, Jake. Stupid..but adorable."

The peach man pressed his lips against Hailey's. "I know. I love you too."

Aw.. ;w; my Jailey-ship-thing is getting higher thanks to this little extra- XD
Ha ha~

So yeah, Hailey and Jake are gonna have a wedding a month after Luke and Zander's! 0w0 (then after Jailey's wedding, Luke and Zander can have their honeymoon and I kinda want to make a extra day on that here-)

Don't worry, I'll try to add other ships in Lander Month book:2
I just have no idea how to do it- but I'll think before the wedding or..maybe after? 👀

Other than that I hope you enjoyed and there's nothing for me to say!
I luke you all, Toodles!~

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