So he had servants pack their things but Kira always took care of Britt's things and Britt tended to the three children. She knew it was going to be a Long trip so they had to get guards to go with them. Eris and Darius had stayed to escort them there.

Britt walked out to the stable seeing Heb was getting on his hind legs when the guards approached him. She put her hand out as she made the guards get away from him and he settled down and as she put her hand on his head. She knew that she was the one who tended to him.

"It's ok boy. We're gonna go on a trip." Britt said

Heb calmed don with her words and nuzzled her cheek as he usually did with her presence. Britt pet him for a bit as Rei came running out there and she picked him up. She looked at Heb who sniffed Rei and Rei was careful as he put his little hand out to Heb. Heb met Rei's hand with his nose and Rei laughed a bit.

"This is Heb, he's my horse and I trust him with my life." Britt said "One day you will get your own horse and you will form a bond with your horse."

"I will?" Rei asked

"Yes, Rei. Someday you will." Britt said

Soon everyone who was going came out as did Kira and Britt's personal security. A select group of five girls who were in charge of protecting her. Britt noticed as she saw Atem had their twin girls. She saw the groups were all prepared and she set Rei down as she got Heb ready with a saddle.

Then Britt picked up Rei as she had him hold the Reigns and she got on behind him as she reached for one of the twins after Atem had his horse by Heb and handed her both twins for a minute before getting on his saddled horse and taking one. When it was decided Britt had Keda and Kamari was with Atem.

"Alright let's go." Atem said

Eris and Darius were on their horses and they led the way that was safest. Britt was hesitant but she knew they were traveling the best they could under the conditions. They traveled for so long before setting up camp with having the children with them. Eris had some snacks and offered them as they were going to awhile getting back.

The travel was long with many stops along the way but after the few days they made it. Eris showed them the royal crest which allowed them past. Once they were able to get in they unmounted the horses. It was dark but the guards were on guard.

"Who is with you Princess Eris and Prince Darius?" A guard asked

"She who was chosen by the Nile Goddess and the rightful granddaughter of the king, Brittania with her husband and children." Eris said

As Britt let Darius help with the children she noticed the guards were showing more respect than she thought they would. When one offered for her horse she declined and took care of it herself using her gifted power to keep him calm.

"Be a good boy." Britt said to Heb

Heb just huffed as a guard offered her some food for Heb and put in some water as she fed her horse. Once she was for sure that Heb was taken care of she walked over seeing her husband and children waiting. Eris nod as she led them in and Britt walked by Atem. Atem took her hand holding it to calm her nerves of her grandfather she had never met. She took hold of Keda and saw Atem still had Kamari as they were walking in.

A man walked out of the throne room hearing of their arrival. He was around her other grandfather's age but clearly a bit younger as she noticed unlike her grandfather in Egypt, this grandfather's hair was not grey yet.

"Eris, Darius you've returned and not alone." He said

"Yes Grandfather, May I introduce Brittania. Max's eldest daughter and 2nd born from the letters you read." Eris said

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