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While Kinja made you feel girly, Kylo Ren was currently making you feel like a stuffed animal. He was asleep behind you, his arm wound tightly about your hip, tugging you closer every few seconds then that grip relenting. You wondered what he was dreaming about, yet did not feel inclined to wake him. His breath hit lightly against you, occasionally causing your hair to move. You set one of your hands against his arm, trailing it upwards until your hand was atop his. Kylo Ren pressed closer to you. You waited, holding your breath and listening. He was still asleep.

It was the middle of the night, and you could not fall back asleep. You had dozed off a little here and there after the two of you had had sex. Yet then you had awoken and your mind would not shut off. This was partly due to the way you were being held. It was almost...normal. You hadn't taken Ren to be a cuddler, and yet he was doing so right then. And then you were thinking about how sarcastic and verbally cruel he could be. Was it a defense mechanism? Did he truly not know how to interact with someone without being so, well, threatening? Now that you thought about it, it was not as though he socialized often with people outside of his role as their superior.

Also, as you had mentioned to him, whenever you had asked him to stop, he usually did. As though if it were brought to his attention that he was hurting you in any way, he would immediately switch course to prevent that from continuing.

Behind you, his breathing altered. He made a noise in his throat, turned onto his back, and so withdrew his arm from around you. You turned over to face him, your eyes immediately going to his face. Kylo stared up at the ceiling while he ran a hand along his forehead. "Weird dream?" you asked. You felt his gaze switch over to you. "Well, unlike you, I can't just look into your mind to see what you're dreaming about. You were moving around a little. But you didn't throw the stool across the room, so... That was good."

Kylo Ren shifted his hand from his forehead to the side of your face. You remained perfectly still as he touched you. "You should sleep."

"I was trying to...but my brain won't shut off." By way of response, he slipped an arm under your body and pulled you on top of him. Kylo Ren placed your head against his chest, your ear over his heart. You listened to its beating. That was all you needed to be lulled into a good sleep.




Millicent was hacking up hairballs, which was why you were still in General Hux's quarters. Cleaning up after the cat, you sighed and felt sorry for the poor creature. When at last her stomach seemed to settle, she curled up and huffed out a sigh before closing her eyes. You petted her head, finished the last bit of straightening up, and then at last left the man's quarters to return to your other duties. You made sure to see the man on your way in order to inform him of Millicent's current condition. His frown deepened at the news. He nodded his thanks for being informed and then left. You knew he was going to check in on her, and possibly even have her looked at.

Liu Ren, meanwhile, was still in Kylo Ren's room. The Knight had refused to allow you to take it back to your quarters for the time being, although he did ensure you that you could take it back eventually. You took this as an indication that he wanted you to visit him before retiring for the night.

Kinja and you worked side-by-side. She expressed surprise that you had not been in the room. Her questioning looks told you that she suspected you had gone somewhere with Kylo Ren. In fact, many of the other officers gave you glances that suggested they were privy to your interactions with the man. This was perhaps why said individual showed up at your workstation. That, or he didn't give a damn what people thought anyway. Both were equally likely. Kinja lowered her eyes to the console in front of her. She was scowling, her dislike of the verbal abuse she had endured from the man apparent.

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