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As you put new sheets on Commander Ren's bed, the man took a shower. You heard the water running. Such a normal thing for someone of his stature. Sometimes you forgot he was human, his actions and aversion to being touched baffled you so. You slid his pillow into the case, set it on his bed, and smoothed out all the blankets. You then turned to the bedside table, straightening the bottle of water and saltine crackers. After he had removed his helmet, his voice had been more nasally than you were accustomed to hearing. The ever-promising student of Supreme Leader Snoke had a cold. It baffled you in some ways that someone so powerful could be ill. His vocoder had hidden his condition, which had you wondering how long he had been sick for.

Kylo Ren had already drunk a little bit of tea, in which you had put some honey to help soothe his sore throat. He came out of the bathroom, his chest trembling under his shirt as he visibly fought off a cough. The man grabbed the edge of his blankets, sliding into bed and lying on his side as he covered himself. You blinked. You had to admit you were a bit surprised with his actions, yet they also coincided with how a sick person would act. Your poor, sick man-child, you thought as motherly instincts you hadn't realized you had were starting to kick in.

You fussed with his blankets, adjusting the way he was covered. Kylo Ren turned, staring at you in confusion and a tad amount of fear. You huffed out a sigh, leaving for the bathroom long enough to wet a washcloth, which you set on his forehead. "Do not coddle me," he said warningly. Yet his raspy, hoarse voice and the cough that followed detracted from any fear you may have otherwise felt.

"You sound like shit, Commander Ren," you said, watching with displeasure as he reached up and removed the washcloth from his head. Kylo Ren set it on the bedside table, turned once more on his side, and coughed into his fist. "Look... Technically I'm obligated to report it to a physician that I have been in contact with an ill person. That way both that person and I can be treated to prevent the spread of infection."

"Are you attempting to blackmail me?" he asked, turning over and glaring at you. It was a lot less effective than he no doubt intended it to be, what with his eyes being a little red and him having to sniffle to prevent snot from dripping. The Force user grabbed a tissue from the box on the table, dabbing at his nose. "No." He was objecting to the thermometer you had brought out. Thankfully for you it was one of those that simply needed to be swiped over someone's forehead. You tried to scan that portion of his anatomy, however he caught your wrist on his second try.

"How many of me are you seeing?" you asked passively. His response, naturally, was to use the Force to send the thermometer flying. You turned to watch it hit the wall. With a heavy sigh, you shook your head and walked over to where it had landed. "Stop acting so juvenile and let me take your temperature."

"You're enjoying this," he said, and when you turned you found those dark orbs glued to you. He looked so...vulnerable like this. Maybe it was wrong that you wanted to take advantage of him in this state, however it was not as though he let you do anything when he was well. Kylo Ren grabbed up another tissue, bunching it against his nose as he sneezed. He then turned so that his back was to you.

You ignored the fact that he was trying to pretend you were not there in an attempt to convince you to leave. Walking towards the end of the bed, you grabbed up the stool and set it closer to his head. You lifted a book you had brought into his room, sat down on the stool, and opened it up to the first page. Clearing your throat, you started to read aloud. For as much as he had been trying to get rid of you before, he remained completely quiet... up until the point his breathing altered and he snored lightly due to his current state. You placed a bookmark in the book then closed it.

Standing, you tiptoed so that you could lean over him and see his face. Other than the telltale signs of his cold, he looked so peaceful. You set the book on his bedside table, once more adjusted his blankets, and then started to walk towards the door. You paused after only a few steps. Rolling your eyes, you took out the mat that you kept under his bed and set up a place for yourself to sleep. Before settling down, however, you entered his bathroom to grab a clean washcloth. This you dampened with ice-cold water and set against your cheek where Keln had struck you. You had iced it for a moment earlier, however it still threatened to swell. It would definitely bruise, though makeup would help to cover that up for the most part.

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