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One thing you were beginning to learn about Kylo Ren: he did not seem to know exactly how to be nice in the basic sense. Apparently he was socially awkward, which led you to wonder about his childhood. The only reason you even knew the identities of his parents was due to the fact that your father had once let it slip. Otherwise a lot of the information you held about the Knight was not handed to someone of your level. The stormtroopers knew even less...about a lot of things, actually. Yet even they seemed more adept at social interactions that did not involve threatening or insulting others. All this you had discovered in a mere two days' time.

Really, you thought, you should have realized these facts sooner. And, had you, you would have suggested Kylo Ren meeting you somewhere other than your living quarters seeing that he did not hesitate to intimidate your new roommate—Officer Kinja—with his presence as well as a few scathing comments.

Presently you lifted up your tooke-trap plant and started to carry it out of the room. Thankfully, Kylo Ren followed after you without shooting another word to Kinja, who looked close to tears. Which was terrible considering you were growing rather fond of her presence. Perhaps that was precisely why he did not seem to be taking to her. You were beginning to entertain the possibility that the man was jealous you would be spending time with anyone other than him. After all, he wasn't particularly fond of Mitaka...granted that had to do with more sexual situations, however... It was close enough.

Kylo Ren was walking with his hands in fists, which wasn't anything new. The fact that he kept clenching and unclenching them, on the other hand, was different than usual. "Uhm... Commander?" He paused mid-step and you nearly crashed into him. Luckily, however, you managed to stop in time, which meant that your tooke-trap plant was not damaged. "Er..." Bringing up his current mood probably would be unwise. "I need to get some food for Liu Ren."

He turned around, and you could feel his eyes boring into you from behind his mask. You ducked your head. After he had left your room, you had decided that you wanted a Plant of Ren even if he didn't. But you also liked the idea of Cindy Liu, and thus you had settled for a happy medium. Cindy Ren did not have as much an appeal as the other. Your father believed you were mispronouncing 'Lauren' and you did not see it fit to correct him whenever he misspoke your plant's name.

"You named it...after me?"

"Part of it?" You could not tell what mood he was in from his voice. "I liked the idea." He seemed at a loss. You stared at him, the Force user shifting minutely from time to time. Though it felt much longer, only thirty seconds elapsed before he turned and began walking. You went to follow him, however found your muscles tensing. It was only when he was out of sight—most likely in a room you could not enter—that you were freed. With a sigh, you decided to go ahead and get some food for your plant.




Kinja made you feel girly sometimes. She would sit behind you and begin braiding your hair. This time, as she did so, your mind was on the Knight. It had been three days since you had seen him, and that wasn't from lack of trying. The fact that he was avoiding you had you more than a little worried. Did he not want to be wooed after all? Or did he not know how to handle the aspects of relationships that had nothing to do with sex? Your eyes dropped from the wall to the blankets on your bed. Commander (L/n) would be departing the next day. You had started to enjoy his daily visits, which made your mood worsen further.

Numbness would be better than this... Mitaka is still upset with me about not ratting out Keln...and I haven't really seen Keln. Which is probably a good thing. I don't know...

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