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Sometimes it could be difficult to get out of bed. Gravity tried to keep you there, which was strange considering the fact that you were in space. Granted, you were aboard a ship, and Kylo Ren had not thrown a tantrum near the stabilizers so things were going according to the norm. You would literally roll out of bed on days such as those, sometimes landing on your hands and knees. Other times falling onto your side. Once on your back and hitting your head on the floor a moment later. This time you managed to catch yourself on your hands, however your legs slammed against the metal floor painfully. Wincing, you crawled over to the dresser and withdrew a clean uniform. You used the nearest refresher then dressed. Rather than wander off to conduct your assigned tasks, which included seeing the psychologist and tending to Commander Ren's room, you froze upon seeing a maintenance droid. You then slunk through the hallways, following the droid. You felt groggy, and really it was such a mundane thing to do. But the machine did not have any level of intelligence that would convince it to report you, or even notice you beyond an instance in which you were obstructing it from its tasks.

You were not hungry throughout the day. Your stomach did grumble, did feel empty, and yet you felt no initiative to wander towards the cafeteria to feed yourself. Literally dragging your feet, you found yourself stuck in one of the elevators with the droid. It beeped a few times as it waited to arrive on a different floor. You slipped over to the corner of the elevator and sat down. You remained hunched in the corner even when the maintenance droid exited. When the doors closed, you laid on your side, your knees drawn towards your chest. You stared at the top of the elevator doors. After a while, you fell asleep.

What woke you, roughly fifteen minutes later, was the sound of footsteps. Boots filled the elevator, each of the Stormtroopers managing to avoid stepping on you. The one closest to you stared down at you. No doubt he, or she, was wondering why an officer was on the ground as you were. Perhaps the Stormtrooper's curiosity faded, or he/she realized who you were, as he/she looked away. Throughout the day, others who entered the elevator acted similarly. This allowed you to drift off randomly.

Your final nap was interrupted when a boot was set against your ankle. You winced at the pressure, yelping when more was added. Your eyes snapped open, and you peered up at the individual who was assaulting you. You lowered your gaze immediately at the sight of your superior. His presence indicated that he had been to his room already, that he had seen you had done nothing to it. Which, in turn, meant that it was past dinnertime. Commander Ren said nothing to you. He removed his boot, setting it beside its twin. You could feel his gaze on you for a few seconds longer. Then the elevator stopped moving, the doors opened, and he strode away.

You sat up, your back against the wall of the elevator as the doors began to slide close. You stared at your reflection in the metal. You looked pathetic, wretched even. Your lips parted as you watched yourself. A question formed in your mind: had Kylo Ren foregone killing you for your discretion against him due to your appearance? He was not known to show mercy, yet you had seemed to intrigue him over the course of your interactions with him. Then again, you thought, he could have hurt you without killing you. Impaled you with his lightsaber in the leg or arm. Cut off your hand. Something.

Maybe he doesn't like that sort of stuff in his porn though, was all your brain supplied.




When you managed to slink off to bed, you fell asleep despite having been unconscious through the majority of the day. It was morning when one of your superiors entered your quarters. You jumped at the sight of Lieutenant Mitaka walking into your room. His jaw was tense as he tried to give you a severe look. It faltered when you smiled up at him, you being genuinely happy to see the man. "Hello, Lieutenant," you said, slipping out of bed. He averted his gaze upon noticing that you were clad in only a shirt and panties.

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