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The way you discovered that Commander (L/n) had arrived early was that he had approached you...while your hand was on the erotica book you were intending to read to Kylo Ren. Your name slipping from his lips, your father stumbled through a series of random phrases, and you were greatly aware that he was flustered over learning that his daughter even possessed such pieces. You cleared your throat, dropped your hand away from the novel, and faced the man. The two of you conversed civilly for a few minutes before you were informed that you would be taking a trip to a nearby planet. On the Command Shuttle no less. With Kylo Ren and your father both present. And while that would normally be a sort of honor, you found that you had been looking forward to riding Kylo Ren, not his shuttle. Plus there was the whole aspect of your father being present, which put even more of a damper on things.

Controlling your facial features, however, you acknowledged the information as an order then proceeded to grab any necessary items for the journey. Your only reprieve was that neither Officer Keln nor Lieutenant Mitaka would be traveling with the three of you. There would be two other officers, who would be taking care of the piloting aspect. When you boarded the ship, you were seated beside Commander (L/n), while Commander Ren took his place on the opposite side.

When the Command Shuttle arrived on the planet's surface, Kylo Ren split off from the others. You watched him leave, feeling more than a little confused until your father informed you that the Force user had requested to piggy-back on the trip he had in mind for the purpose of purchasing...the Knight had never revealed exactly what it was he wanted. "And...why am... Why am I...?"

"A father can't spend time with his daughter?" the man at your side countered. You blinked, muttering out a light apology though not certain why you were apologizing in the first place. It wasn't your fault you were confused. Commander (L/n) did not often spare time like this, however you supposed it had much to do with the progress you had made since his previous visit. "Come now. I hear they have rather exquisite clothing."

Though he was proud of you for joining the First Order, your father did often regret that he could not see you dressed up as a lady. There were some exceptions, such as when you took leave to visit your mother, however oftentimes your father was away on duty during those visits. It was rare indeed that the two of you were able to meet up outside of the workplace. This was perhaps why you so easily forgot your disappointment in regards to being unable to read steamy erotica with Kylo Ren, and you focused more on enjoying yourself.




Your father was not the only man who thought the clothing was exquisite, nor that it complemented your figure. It had been decided that the five of you would stay the night on the planet's surface. Kylo Ren's room was across from yours in the building, and your father's was to the right of yours. The other two officers were staying aboard the Command Shuttle to ensure that nothing would happen to it. Shortly after dinner, you had dressed in one of the gowns with the plan to sleep in it. Then your door had opened despite being locked—the Force sure did have many uses, you had reflected as the man stepped inside. Kylo Ren had stopped short upon seeing you in the gown. He softly closed the door then strode over to you, placing a single hand on your chest and pinning you against the wall.

He had immediately started to bunch up the gown, his hips pressing tightly against yours. You were a panting mess underneath him, trying to keep your hands flat against the wall lest he become angered with attempts to touch him. With your gown drawn up and pinned between your stomach and his, Kylo Ren drew his cock out of his pants. He hooked a thumb along the edge of your panties, parting them to the side and then teasing you with the head of his erection before thrusting up into you. He started a quick pace immediately, and you hiked a leg up over his waist to better angle yourself against him.

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