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Drugged Kylo Ren liked to stare at you and force you to sit down whenever you tried to stand by using the Force. He would either wave his hands to sweep your feet out from underneath you, or else verbally command you, and you were unable to resist. You huffed out another sigh, glowering at him as he stood from the bed and strolled over to you. He paused a few times, as though trying to regain his balance, which was compromised by the increase in his Force abilities. Over time you had come to realize that being drugged did increase his Force-sensitivity, however that also made his awareness to what was present a little wonky. Maybe he was a little more aware that he was on a ship floating through space. Did he feel as though he was floating?

His boots crunched some of the nerf-shaped crackers as he knelt on the mat with you. You sincerely wished you had never gone through with this plan to drug him so that you could take advantage of him. If he had been overwhelming before, he was practically intolerable now. Smothering. You narrowed your eyes, attempting to figure out a way to escape him. "Could...could you put on your helmet?"

"Why do you want to leave? You don't want to be near me..." His increased Force-sensitivity was allowing him to readily read your mood. Kylo Ren rested his forehead against your shoulder. "What drug did you give me?" He chuckled before you could answer. "You drugged me. You."

"You're so fucking insulting," you hissed, moving to rise. His hands caught you, this time physically; he held onto your upper arms, squeezing tightly. "Stop using me like I'm nothing." Kylo Ren turned his face and began sucking on your neck. You grit your teeth, hating yourself for liking the feel of it. He nibbled at your throat, and you knew a hickey had already been made by the time you were able to tug yourself away from him. "Stop!"

"Cindy Liu—"

"That's not my name!" you hissed, standing. You crushed a number of the nerf-shaped crackers as you stomped away from him and headed for the door. You were both surprised and thankful that he did not stop you again. You exited the man's quarters and headed immediately down the hall. Seconds later boots were making heavy footfalls behind you. You glanced over your shoulder then scowled. Wearing his helmet once more, Kylo Ren was sloppily following after you. He could not walk a straight line, and a part of you wished that he would trip on his own feet and fall. His legs being much longer than yours, he quickly overtook you. Kylo Ren turned, forcing you to stop walking lest you crash into him. You glared at him.

The next moment your eyes were wide saucers. Of all the times for you to be sent down a garbage chute—you hadn't realized where you were standing, hadn't seen that he had used the Force to open the door to the chute, and you certainly hadn't expected him to throw you headfirst down the thing. You landed in the trash below with a grunt. You stood, brushing yourself off a bit. Taking a step forward, you surveyed your surroundings. Sliminess. Gunk. Random bits of garbage. A splash behind you as someone landed—No! your mind screamed.

You whipped around, swearing when you saw it to be true. The Force user looked around at the garbage compactor. His head turned this way and that, and then that visor was focused on you. "We won't be interrupted here." Kylo Ren took a step closer to you. You readied a response, however were silent, albeit with your mouth open, when some trash fell into the place the Force user had just left. Apparently people had been heading for where you had been, and that was why Kylo Ren had seen it fit to throw you away. Along with himself. A drugged Kylo Ren liked to get dirty, you found—why did that make you a little giddy? What the hell sort of romance started off in a garbage compactor?

Little did you know, the emotionally stunted man you were with—his parents had once been in a trash compactor together. But, again, you were not privy to this information.

Such Kylo TrashWhere stories live. Discover now