Elizabeth turned her back to the scene. "Elizabeth?" Dawn asked. "Is that another tear I see?"

"No! It ain't no god damn tear! I must have got some of those dragon guts in my eye. Yeah, that's it."

Dawn smiled, but said nothing else.


Scott made good time, but eventually he had to slow down due to the influence of solar radiation. The sun was starting to set as he walked into the park surrounding Smith Rock. It wasn't long before he saw Kevin's body. "Okay, there he is," Scott said to himself. "But where's the Spear? It was around here somewhere. Oh. I bet I know where it is. Jack, you asshole!"

Scott went down toward the river, which was now flowing freely. He stood beside Kevin. He began to wonder how to transport the body, and thought that maybe he should wait until nightfall. As he looked at Kevin, another tear came to his eye. "Thank you, Kevin," Scott said. "I didn't really know you, and I guess that's my fault, but you served with courage and honor. I know you had kids. Man, this is really gonna hurt them. How am I going to tell them about this? How am I going to tell them how you gave your life so that others could live? How does one tell children the truth, that there is real evil in this world, and there are some people, like you, Kevin, who are called to fight against it? I have no idea how to do that, Kevin. Jeremiah, now, he was wise in these things, but he's not available. I wish I had his wisdom and knowledge, but I don't. How am I going to do this life without him?"

"Easy answer," came a voice Scott wasn't expecting to hear, "you're not. The life thing, that is."

Scott spun to face his nemesis. "Malheur!"

"That is my name. Robert Malheur, former head of the philosophy department at Simeon College, former demon prince, former servant of Baalseth, destroyer of worlds. Looks like you shut that down, didn't you? And yet I still hear his voice. He yet lives! Yes, I hear his voice, calling to me. He calls on me to help him find a new host, and I plan on doing just that. Baalseth will rise once more, and the world of man shall be shaken! Oh, but first things first. There's a little matter of vengeance. I owe you, Scott Campbell! You ruined my career!"

"Well, I'm sorry about that. Really, I am. You know, there's a vacancy for the head of the philosophy department at Simeon right now. Of course, you know that because you created that vacancy. I'm sure they'd love to have you back, though."

"Oh, please, spare me the condescension. What about my career as a demon prince?"

"That wasn't my doing. You got a bone to pick, pick it with Satan."

"You ruined my plans for the apocalypse! In fact, you've ruined it twice!"

"Yeah, I'm a real stinker, aren't I? Although, strictly speaking, this apocalypse wasn't your plan, it was Baalseth's."

"His plan, my plan, semantics! None of that matters. I will have my vengeance, and I'll take it now."

"Oh yeah? Well, I'd like you to say hello to my little friend!"

Scott tried to reach for Drynwyn, but he could not. In fact, he could not move. He was immobilized. "Oh, you won't be able to use your sword, or much of anything else. Yes, that holy water canceled out my powers for a while, but as you can tell, they're back and they are functioning perfectly."

"Unlike your dick?"

"Oh! Adolescent humor! That's most unbecoming, Scott. You can take your puerile sense of humor to the grave with you. Oh, you won't need a grave, since you'll self-cremate. Then they can use your ashes for compost, or flush them down a toilet as far as I care. Your widow may have other ideas. It doesn't matter to me."

Malheur pointed his hands at Scott. Bolts of lightning shot from them, striking Scott. Scott cried out in pain, then fell to the ground. He was still unable to move. Malheur ceased his electrical assault. "You will pay, Scott Campbell. You will pay for your insolence, your lack of foresight, your annoying insistence on being the 'good' guy. You were a pathetic excuse for a vampire. And seriously, Doctor Campbell? Who the hell would award you a doctorate?"

Malheur fired a second volley of dark lightning at Scott, then stopped. "Your pain amuses me, but amusement can only go so far. It is time I ended this. Goodbye, Scott Campbell. Now, you will die."

He launched a third assault on Scott, but it did not last long, as he found the Spear of Destiny's head sticking out of his chest. Malheur roared in pain as white light began to shoot forth from every orifice. He ceased his attack on Scott to turn his remaining wrath on his attacker.

"Jack Turner, you treacherous bastard!" Malheur cried. He shot bolts of lightning at Jack, then used his powers to drag Jack toward him. He impaled Jack on the head of the Spear, which was still sticking out of his chest. Jack pulled himself from the Spear and fell, clutching his wounded abdomen. Malheur's powers were fading as the white light continued to shoot from his eyes and mouth. The distraction gave Scott the opportunity he needed, as he drew Drynwyn and with it removed Malheur's head from his body. As the stench of sulfur drifted through the air, Malheur's body crashed to the ground. Scott sheathed his sword and ran over to Jack, who was also lying on the ground.

"Jack?" Scott said. "You saved my life!"

"Don't say I never did anything for you," Jack said as he coughed blood. Jack's shirt was likewise drenched with a red flow from his wound. Scott opened Jack's shirt to see a spreading blackness.

"What? What's this? Can we stop it?"

"No. No, I'm dying, Scott. It's the Spear of Destiny. It does that to evil things."

"No. I can't let you die, too."

"Funny. I remember that you told me you'd kill me if you ever saw me again. I guess I deserved that. I was horrible to you, Scott. The things I did to you, the things I did..." tears began to flow from Jack's eyes. "The things I did to my family, to my father, to my own sire, Phillip? To you? I can never be forgiven, Scott. There's no redemption for Jack Turner."

"No, Jack. There is redemption. And there is forgiveness."

"I... I don't deserve it. I did you wrong, Scott, and I am so sorry."

"I forgive you, Jack."

"Aw, don't say that, Scott."

"No. I forgive you."

"Goodbye, Scott."

Jack's eyes rolled back, and the spreading blackness claimed him. Jack's body decayed into a large pile of ash. Some of his ashes were carried away by a slight breeze. Scott sat there, staring at the ashes that remained. He remembered how he hated Jack, and how what Jack had said was true – Scott wanted Jack, his old nemesis, dead. Scott wanted vengeance for what Jack did to him. And now, Jack was gone. There was no victory here, only emptiness. Only loss. Scott rose from the remains. He drew the Spear from Malheur's body, then scanned the horizon. He saw the old pickup Jack had earlier commandeered. Scott first took the Spear and placed it in the bed of the truck, then did the same for Kevin's body. Scott then started the engine and shifted the truck into gear.

Suburban Vampire: Redemption, Book II: LeviathanWhere stories live. Discover now