Chapter 43: Rise up Symbol of the Titans!

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As Takato's eyes slowly lose consciousness, Y/n stakes a quick glance at his adopted son, before looking back at Kaiser Ghidorah who still had a look of anger in his eyes. 

Y/n: *shouts loudly* "Hey, Soul of Mothra!"  *Akane jumps a bit, before Y/n takes a glance at her* "Take care of my son..okay?"

Akane: "R-right.." *quickly hops down and runs over to Takato and begins healing him.*

Y/n: *smirks back before lookin back at Kaiser* "HEY ALL-MIGHT, GRAN TORINO, MASTER!"  *The 4 of them look over to Y/n, who were still amazed of the Former No. 2 hero's return* "ARE YOU GOING TO SIT BACK AND JUST WATCH OR ARE YOU GOING TO HELP OUT AND FIGHT?!"

King Caesar: "... *chuckles* " really are my old student..." *gets up and walks forward besides Y/n as memories of Y/n's own training fills the old lions mind, which causes the him to smile* 

All-Might: "Well I may not know what is going on..however!"  *gives a courageous smile even in his weakened state and walks forward* "I am glad to see you still alive old friend!" 

Gran Torino: *walking over with his cane* "Tch you as stubborn as always Young Ryujin..." *glares down at Kaiser with others*

Kaiser: "Tch... Zero..I shouldn't have let All for One revived you..." 

All for One: *offscreen* "Ugh..." *Kaiser has one of his heads glance over to see All for One still covered in Radiation burns stuggling over to move* ""

Kaiser: *has a evil grin on his faces* "Hehehe..sure  in fact. I think... I'll help us both!"  *Kaiser's center head grabs onto All for One by his suit before hurling him into the air*

Shigaraki: *eyes widen in horror* "M-MASTER!!!" *All for One Screams as Kaiser devours the Villain whole much to everyone's shock.* "I WILL AVENGE YOU MASTER!" Shigaraki tries to charge over to Kaiser and stopped by Kurogiri who activates his quirk and surround the rest of the villains*

Kurogiri: "Shigaraki don't be a fool we must retreat!" *They soon vanish along with the smoke much to Shigaraki's dismay.*

Y/n: "This is really bad...Kaiser...has just absorbed the abilities of All for One's ablilites.." *scans around Kaiser's body and took notice to something* "Hmmm.. EVERYONE WE MUST NOT LET KAISER GHIDORAH GET MY SON! HE IS NOW OUR ONLY HOPE NOW!" 

Kaiser: "Hehehe..." *As a Blue light emanated from Y/n's eyes and transfers over to his swords and he takes his first stance* "You really think YOU CAN STOP ME?!" *unleashes his gravity bolts straight toward the Number 1, Former No.2 heroes and their masters*

Y/n: "No....just slow you down..1ST STANCE..... RAIKOHA!!" *swings down one of his swords and  unleashes A massive stream of Light from it, which collides with Kaiser's own attack before it rips right thru his attack and collides into Kaiser's body pushing the massive Kaiju back*  "NOW!" 

The 4 charge straight towards Kaiser, as King Caesar is engulfed in a golden brown light as he shifts into his own Kaiju form and deliver a series of blows into the 3 headed beast along side Gran Torino*

(King Caesar's Kaiju form)

(King Caesar's Kaiju form)

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Kaiju Hero: Bnha X Male Godzilla reader ocWhere stories live. Discover now