"If I'm being honest, it's not something I'm that keen on but it doesn't hurt to try. Even though I have been talking to Lexie" he says

"Lexie, Princess of Morocco?" I ask and he nods

"Why? Do you know her?" He asks me

"Yeah, we're friends" i say

"Really! I didn't know that. She told me that she's in America after her parents divorce but she never mentioned you" he says

"Never mentioned you either but then again we're not as close as we used to be" i say and he nods

"So what's the deal with you and Matthew?" He asks me

"Well... we had a fling. Every time I see him he brings it up, i just think he's funny but that comedic value of his sometimes turns inappropriate and out of hand fast. He just doesn't know when to shut up" i say and he laughs

"Tell me about it, he was just telling us about this girl he was with last night" Jordan says


What about Amelia?

"He doesn't know about boundaries" I say and he nods

"Jordan, you seem nice. I don't want to force you into a marriage, so if you want you can go and meet a girl and fall in love for real. Everyone deserves a chance at finding love, even if it means I can't be. I think we can be friends but I don't see this going anywhere" i say and he nods

"I'm thinking the same" he says, "can I ask you something?"

I nod.

"What's holding you back?" He asks me

"What do you mean?" I ask him

"There is obviously something blocking your mind for trying in this, what's going on? Lily, if you want love go get it. Don't let some stupid law stop you from being happy"

"Lily darling" Matthew says sitting across from me and i smirk

"Yes sweetheart?" I ask

"Uh... hi?" He asks and i chuckle.

"How have you been? How's the family?" I ask

"As chaotic as ever, what about you? I hear your sister is dating Cruz Beckham" he says

"Yes she is" i say

"What are they like?" He asks me

"Nice people from the one conversation we had" i say and he nods

"How have your other dates been?" He asks me

"One good, one bad" i say

"Harold was that bad huh?" He asks me

I nod, "asked me a lot of sexual questions"

"Why everyone knows you save that for the seconds date" he says and i laugh

Ive not felt a connection with any of these boys.

I'm keeping having to thin of something to say next and i hate it.

"How did you get here?" He asks me

"I swam" i say and he just rolls his eyes

"Oh how I've not missed your banter" he says and I just stare at him.

"Who would you pick to get married?" He asks me

None of you.

I didn't realise I said that out loud.

"If you had to" he says

"I told Jordan that he doesn't have to argue over me, I told him that he deserves a chance to be happy. So right right it's between you and Harold and if I'd have to I'd pick you" I say and he nods, "but overall it's not about me choosing, it's about you choosing so it's inbetween you and Harold I'd say. But please don't make me marry him"

"I'll try by best lily, but he's a dick. You know that right?" He asks and i nod

"Of course I know that! That's why I don't want to marry him!"

He sighs and nods.

"What about you, do you even want to get married?" I ask him

"Look at me, I'm in no place to run a country. I'm seventeen years old who is with a different girl most nights. I want to travel and see the world. Not settle down, but Lily were friends right?" He asks and i nod

"You could call it that" i say with a chuckle

"If you were forced into getting married wouldn't you rather marry a friend than an twat?" he asks

"Your right" i say

He nods.

"But what about Amelia?" I ask him

"We broke up, when she heard my parents liked the idea of an arranged marriage that was it. I loved her you know" he says

"Do you regret it? Breaking up?"

"Of course I do, if you find love hold onto it. Don't let it go, but as for you it's more difficult. You've been wanting to rule all of your life, it's just finding the point where you can't handle it anymore and you have to pick whether to make millions happy or yourself"

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