Fifty One

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I've just said bye to Leo and it's now Monday morning.

I love my brother but god I forgot how annoying he is.

Anyway it's the last week of January and it's gone freakishly fast and I'm not sure how I feel about it.

And then in three weeks I have to go on these dates.

"Is Lydia still in Greece?" I ask Izzy as we get into her car

"Yeah, she's spending the week there. I think she's definitely going to claim her title" she says

"What about you?" I ask

"I don't know, I want to but I'm just not sure yet" she says

"Well, you could just go and see how it is without agreeing with things. Like a trial run and then at the end if you have enjoyed it you can say yes, if not you can walk away" i say

"Yeah your right, I think I'm going to spend my time there for spring break" she says

"That's a good idea, is your dad going with you?" I ask her

"Probably, but it depends when you get married" she says

"Well your invited" i say and she laughs

"I better be a bridesmaid" she says

"I've not got anyone else to chose from" i say and she laughs

"I'm searching and scanning for answers in every line for some kind of sign" I sing hamilton

"And when you were mine" Izzy sings and i smile

We continue to make our way through the Hamilton soundtrack before arriving at school

I tap on the canteen table.

My responsibilities pick back up today.

I have a meeting with the charity embassadors about fundraising.

Then I put have to post everything off to Ahamid.

"Are you working tonight?" Lucy asks me

"No why?" I ask

"We're going shopping" she says

"For what?" I ask

"For outfits for Gracies party, your obviously are invited" she says

"I'd love to but I can't" I say

She frowns, "why not?"

"She had a meeting with her principal from her school in England to see how she's doing over Skype" Izzy lies for me and i give her thankful look and she smiles in return.

"That sounds boring" Lucy says and I nod

"Oh it's going to be" i say and she smiles

"Ladies, you all coming to our game on Thursday?" Issac asks and Alex sits down next to me

"Yep" i say

"You are?" He asks me with a smile on his face

"I am, not working and I'm free" I say

"That's great" he says

"So fucking cute" Izzy mumbles and Olly burps next to her and she pulls a disgusted face at him and I close my eyes and try not to laugh at them.

"Disgusting" she whispers

"Where's Lydia?" Issac asks

"Still in Greece" i say

Trapped In Lace Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora