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1st world [The Normal World]

Everybody call me "Miss Y",

Not because my nickname was yanna.

Miss Y was in short for...

Miss nerdY

Miss librarY

Miss uglY

Miss lonelY...

But that was before.

Miss Y means now was,

Miss beautY

Miss friendlY


Miss library wasn't gone, i'm still the same library girl but i'm not nerdy anymore.

All people in Palace Academy use to bully me before,

But they stop because they get tired dahil hindi ko sila pinapatulan.

When the transferies came to Palace Academy and try'na bully me, my old bullies are the ones who stop those who try to bully me.


2nd world [The World Where Everybody Respects Your Strength, Power, and Popularity]

They respect me because i hold the power.

But the others despise me because of the too much power that i hold.

What if my friends/gangmates whom i treat like a second family will despise me because of my lies?

Are they willing to solve the case as a team without FLAME?

Or they will lift me up and solve our problems together like a real family?


3rd world [The World Where Only The Higher Ups Are Only Respected]

The world where everybody respects me was hidden.

The world where you need to follow the higher position. I'm in the higher position and i create rules for them to follow.

It's like i am the boss, and they are my servants.

My servants that needs to follow my orders.

The world where i am halfly free to love myself.

Sike... I just wish it's like that but it's another way around. I look like a boss in front of everyone, but they don't know the things I've done just because i was born rich and high profile.


I'm this girl who hides everything from anyone.

Not all of my friends know my real identity.

I'm just hiding with a big mask underneath my personality.

Disguising my real identity.

Being a pretender sucks, but i need to hold it, for me to be safe even though a gangster cannot be safe.

I'm living in a two different worlds where everybody respects me.

But there's a one world that treat me like a normal person. Nothing is special in me, just being talented and famous only matters.

I'm supposed to leave that world, but that's the only way i can escape the toxic popularity of the second world.


What if my old bullies and my friends trust me without knowing that if I'm just a pretender.

A girl in disguise perhaps.

Will they still accept me after all the lie's that I tell them?

Will the fate let me tell them the whole truth,

Or the fate already tell them before I even do.

If you wanna know what I'm hiding in this story,

Start knowing what kind of disguise I'm in,

And start pretending with me.

Choose to stay silent and keep my secret,

But if you don't, your life will be messed up by a gangster.

By the undefeated flame.

Ai ajuns la finalul capitolelor publicate.

⏰ Ultima actualizare: Nov 01, 2021 ⏰

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