Jess and Abel (Chapter 1)

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(Jess POV)

Growing up best friends with someone who would turn out to be a superstar had it's faults just like every other friendship. But despite what you might think, it was more good than anything. Abel had a tough childhood before everything and drugs were a big part of it. Then and now, he's saved me time and time again from the world and the people that live in it who want to drag me down. And now.. he's trying to save me from myself.

"THIS PLACE WILL BE THE END OF ME, TAKE ME OUT LA, TAKE ME OUT.. OF LA!!" I could hear the crowd singing with Abel from backstage.

I'm laying on a black couch and eating a from a bowl of candy that was sitting on a buffet sized table with a ton of food on the opposite end of the room while watching Abel preform on one of the TV's and I think about how pretty Vegas is. No wonder he loves it here. About 20 minutes later I hear the door open and Abel walks in with two body guards behind him smiling like an idiot while some guy who looked important congratulated him on the show then walked away. I run over to him and jump up on him. He catches me and I wrap my legs around him and hug him around his neck. He's laughing and I pull back to look at him and smile. I would be lying if I said I wasn't attracted to him, especially when hes wearing that red blazer outfit, but that's something I'll never tell him. I look down at my own out fit and realize that we're kinda matching. I'm wearing a red t-shirt and black skinny jeans with white FILAs.

"Hey Dork," he says looking at me.

"You did sooo good," I say. "Like usual." I add, rolling my eyes and smiling.

He laughs and pulls me back into the hug when my phone starts ringing. He puts me down and I can see his smile falter a little when he looks down and see's who's calling. I answer the phone and walk a couple steps away from Abel.

"Hey Babe." I say.

"Where the fuck are you Jess?! You said you were gonna be home yesterday!" Blaine yells into the phone.

I walk to the other side of the room away from Abel and his friends that just walked in. "Are you fucking kidding me!?" I whisper yell. "I called you five times on WEDNESDAY, left you messages and TEXTED you to tell you that I was gonna stay until Friday for his last performance of his tour."

"You're not allowed to hang out with Abel anymore when you get back."

I laugh in disbelief. "You can't tell me who I can and can't hang out with. Especially with my childhood best friend who I knew before you."

"Get home."

"My flights tomorrow morning, Blaine."

He made an angry sigh then hung up. I look down at my phone and frown.

"Jess." I hear someone say. I turn around and Abel's three closest friends are standing with him, Nate, Chaz, and Ty. Nate and Ty are talking to Abel while he's leaned against a wall listening while he looks at me with a resting face that looks almost too serious. Chaz is standing by them waving at me with a goofy face while he eats nachos from the table. I laugh and walk over. I notice Chaz is wearing black sweats and a white shirt with a white hat which complements his brown skin nicely.

"So," He says when I reach him. He wipes his mouth with a napkin and puts the napkin on the table. "I'm assuming Abel told you about the pool party we're gonna have in a couple hours tonight?"

"Umm, he told me to pack a swimsuit before we left but that's it."

"Yea I was just about to tell her," I hear Abel say as he walks up to us from the side. "I knew she'd want to come anyway so I just figured I'd tell her later." He smiles at me.

I look at him and almost lose my words when I look at him standing there with his hands in his pant pockets. I clear my throat and say, "Obviously I want to go."

"Great," Chaz says when I look back at him. "I'll see you guys there then." He says addressing all of us but only looking at me when he says it. He walks out and soon the rest of them leave too and Abel and I decide to go back to his penthouse on the strip.

On the limo ride there, I check my phone over and over to see if Blaine texted me and I can feel Abel looking at me so I put my phone down and look out the windows to see all the Las Vegas lights in the night time. It's gorgeous. A minute later and I feel Abel slide up next to me to put his arm around me on the chair and put his finger on the glass as if to point to something.

"Does that look familiar?" He asks.

His breath is warm as he whispers it so close to my ear

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His breath is warm as he whispers it so close to my ear. And I smile and turn to look at him. I stop smiling. His face is so close to mine and I can feel the warm air between us. He's looking at my lips and my heart beat gets increasingly fast.

Before we go any further, the car stops and the limo lights turn white meaning we're here. He pulls away and makes a face like he's confused about what just happened. And he's not the only one. The whole way up to the penthouse I thought about it, even though Abel was acting completely normal like nothing just happened.

We get up to the house and go our separate ways so we can get ready for the party, and I cant help thinking about what it would've felt like to kiss Abel Tesfaye.

(Authors Note)
Hey Guys! I just wanted to say that I hope you liked this. Its my first time writing on here and I'm really excited about it! I'm going to do both Jess and Abel's point of view and sometimes I'll switch POV's in the same chapter so you can get both sides of this story. I'll try to write whenever I can, but I will for sure be posting a new chapter every couple days and maybe sooner if I can. Alright thanks guys! :)

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