9: First day at U.A.

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The class nodded swiftly as Mineta was silently pissing his pants at this revelations, he just insulted the wrong persona and it seems there will be hell to pay later. Shota nodded at the girl's statement and confirmed the school itself holds a zero tolerance policy on bullying, for any of the courses, before telling them to make their way to the field for a quirk test.

The class just stood there staring confused.

'I SAID GET CHANGED NOW!' Shota yelled, the class immediately jumped up and bolted, quickly making their way towards the field. 'Damn it, first Izuku's disappearance case starts eating at me, now I've got a problem child who hides in the ceilings, ugh.' He rubs his eyes, grumbling even more, 'I can't hold it against them though, the amount of red flags is just... crazy and their designs started out similar to Izuku's, at least Nezu thinks so. But really, being called a monster, I cans see it now that boy has n...' He froze hearing some sort of sound from above. frozen he tried listening out for it again, only to hear nothing. 'Great now I'm hearing things, ugh.' 

Shota grumbled, opening up a window and leaning out but stopping himself when he heard the sound again, this he could tell it was in the ceiling. Frowning he jumped up onto his desk and removed one of the ceiling panels, slowly edging his head into the area above his classroom. Even he was shocked by the sobs he heard up there.

'Kid calm down, please you know he didn't mean it' Venom called out

'Venom... How can I... you heard him, I'm just a PROBLEM.' Izuku/Venom yelled back

'Kid, please I'm sure he's just tired and stressed.'

'Yeah and I'm the reason, VENOM WHY... why do I hurt everyone around me.' She sobbed. 

Frowning even more the hobo man shifted his weight carefully onto his hands, pushing down as his body moved upwards into the ceiling. Laying on his stomach to fit in the tight area before crawling towards his emotionally unstable student. 

'Kid, cmon we've talked about this, Mei and Rai have told you. You don't hurt anyone, in fact you help everyone you meet, what about ponytail huh, how much did you help her?'

'Anyone could have done that' She mumbled back

'Yet it was you that did it, so please kid it isn't your fault.'

'But I caused him so much trouble, I'm just a problem.'

'KID PLEASE, please don't I know what your thinking and feeling remember, what would Mei do without you?' Shota froze, first day of school and this is happening already... no please he hoped, not another one he couldn't save.

'I'm sorry Venom... you're right.'

'Kid, what have I said, this isn't your fault, please remember that. But it's getting worse, you should at least tell one of them that you're ok.'

'I want to... but what if they take me back, take me away from Mei! Venom I don't want to go back!' Shota's heart broke at this, his student, afraid of someone... not because they were bad but because they might accidentally hurt them.

'Kid, I'm sure those two would understand. Plus I think your decisions been made already, Shota is already in here with us.' Shota choked at this, gasping at the stale air.

'NO... nonononononononononononono'

'Venom? Please I just want to help' Aizawa pleaded


'Kid, cmon you've got to, you can't hide forever.'

'But what if he send me back!'

'I promise kid, I won't let him, plus you really think Mei and Rai would just stand by?'


'Venom? Who's that with you?' Aizawa asked drawing close enough for his now significantly smaller, goop covered student to emerge

'Hi Sensei...' Izuku/Venom started before letting the goop fall off her face, 'Or rather hi uncle.'

'I-I-Izuku!' The man cried out, pushing himself forward attempting to pull the girl into a hug, only for her to lurch backwards as she got Venom to cover her again. The man's eyes widened as he understood what he did. 'Izuku, I'm so sorry!'

'N-No it w-was me, I-I'm sorry'

'Izuku please for once, just let me take the blame, ok?'


'Thank you, we need to get to the field for the quirk test... can we talk about everything later?' Izuku nodded her goop covered head, 'Ok... that's good, do you think you can do those tests?' Izuku shook her head, 'Hmmmm, what about if you had some time before hand to relax?' Izuku froze for a minute then nodded. 'Ok then, do you want to get into my sleeping bag, provided you dont break it ok?'

There was silence for a moment before the girl nodded her head viciously, so fast it scared the hobo man. Though as she crawled into the sleeping bag, she poked her head out and asked for one favour, which Shota instantly agreed to. 

The two were silent as the man carried his lost niece in his sleeping bag to the field filled with teenagers ready to test the limits of their powers.

The Venom of Izuku YagiNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ