Chapter 25

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Joey wasn't sure what to do or say. Henry had never been so angry in his entire life. "How can you live with yourself?" Henry spat.
"Because I'm not a monster like they truly are." Joey answered. "They're not monsters Joey, you are. Just because they have horns and claws doesn't mean they're automatically a monster, what makes you a monster is what you did to them after you kicked me out." Henry growled.
"And I still think we should've used chloroform." Sammy crossed his arms and glared at Joey. Norman sighed.
Henry just noticed that Joey had one hand behind his back. He was wondering what he was doing until the old man's arm whipped around and splashed Bendy in the face with a cup of water.
Bendy shrunk. "Hah! He's melting, defenceless now aren't you?" Joey cackled. The two other toons and Henry and Sammy and Norman all looked at each other and snickered.
Bendy stood in his toon form. "Hey ya stupid old man! I ain't dead, water don't kill me!" Bendy snarled.
"Oh, but your so small now, how could such a small thing like you harm me?" Joey said smugly. Bendy huffed and rammed his boot into Joey's shin.
The old man keeled over and grabbed the front of his leg. "OW! You little-" Joey went to grab Bendy but Henry grabbed his arm, stopping him.
"Don't you even think of touching him Drew." He warned. Joey's face grew into a snarl.
"Why do you even care? I'm sure he tried killing you, Stein." Joey snapped.
Bendy growled as he grew into his ink form again, fuelled by anger. Henry reached over and gently grasped onto the demons hand.
"Because I told him what really happened, I would tell you all about what happened down in that studio, but you don't deserve to know." Henry growled.
"Y'know Henry, I should think it's illegal to summon demons by a satanic ritual, why would you do such a thing?" Joey asked.
"What are you talking about, you did that!" Henry said. "Ah, but earlier I was lucky to have spotted you and Bendy on the sidewalk and knew you were alive, so I told the police a different story." Joey smirked. "What kind of drugs are you on?" Sammy asked.
"Yeah, like the police would listen to some senile old man who's lost it all on a failure of a studio that he was too stupid to run." Norman said.
"Ah, but they did." Joey laughed. Police sirens were suddenly loudly blasting as multiple cop cars flew down the street, stopping at Joey's house.
They got out with guns and pointed them at the group on the front step.
" not good." Norman said. "No! I thought it was wonderful when I heard police sirens!" Alice said sarcastically.
"Hands on your head and don't move!" A cop shouted. The group did as they were told. Except for Bendy.
" as your told please." Henry whispered to the demon. "But Henry, guns don't affect me and they therefor have no threat to me." Bendy said.
"We want them to think your nice, not bad!" Henry pleaded.
Bendy crossed his arms. "I'm sorry Hen, but I won't take shit from idiots who don't know what's going on." He said.
Henry wanted to slap himself, then slap Bendy for being an idiot. "Hey! We said put your hands on your head."
Bendy walked forwards. The cops were all shaky and pale, never having seen any sort of demon before. Alice wanted to smack him.
She rushed forwards and stood in front of him to stop him from going any further.
"Please don't! For the sake of everyone's safety and sanity, please don't." She pleaded. Some of the cops gasped.
They'd never seen an angel before either. Bendy pushed her to the side, and proceeded forwards. The cops shook fearfully. "Take one step closer and we'll shoot!" One yelled.
Bendy heard the fear in the man's voice and smiled a bit. He missed being terrifying. But he also loved being that adorable demon that everyone loved. But these guys threatened him.
"Please don't-" Henry said. Bendy frowned. How come when Henry said it, Bendy felt guilty when he did step forwards again.
He only took one step though before a gunshot was heard. It was one of the super jumpy cops that were off to the side, and they'd missed Bendy by quite a bit.
Instead, the bullet went past him and hit the wall of Joey's house a centimetre from Henry's arm. It his his sleeve though.
"Henry!" Bendy yelled. "Don't worry, it only his my sleeve." Henry showed him the burned hole in his sleeve.
Bendy let out a low, menacing growl as he slowly turned towards the cop that had almost killed Henry on accident.
The cop let out a terrified whimper and backed away a bit. Bendy was so angry, that he was going to kill the poor man.
Henry ran forwards. "Bendy please stop!" He said. His face was worried and panicked. Bendy felt a guilt overload at Henry's face.
"I'm sorry Henry." He muttered. "I just don't want them to hurt you." Bendy whimpered.
The cops looked over and listened to the situation. "They won't hurt anyone if we just listen." Henry said. "Maybe they should listen, Joey lied to them after all." Bendy snarled, glaring at the old man on the porch.
One of the cops spoke up. "E-excuse me but, what do you mean by Joey lied to us? There's clearly a demon here, and he said that a man named Henry Stein summoned him." The cop said.
Bendy scoffed. "And you believed this lunatic? I mean, yeah, sure I was summoned, but not by Henry. I was summoned by Joey years ago." Bendy explained.
The cops didn't know who to believe. The youngest looking of the cops who seemed to be in his early twenties, squinted at the ink demon.
"And let us explain what happened, and there's no need to worry, he won't hurt anyone." Henry tried reassuring them.
"Unless any of you lay a single hand on Henry, then I'll slowly rip you limb from limb. And put those guns down! They don't affect me." Bendy said.
The cops reluctantly lowered their weapons. "Now why don't we just explain what happens." Henry said.

Never leave again (sequel to Stay with me)Where stories live. Discover now