Chapter Twenty-Four

Start from the beginning

"One calm down your mood swings are going to make you go crazy. Two theirs a full moon tonight." I replied calmly even though I was panicking on the inside.But as an alpha I couldn't show certain emotions."So what it's just a moon." She snapped,pacing back and fourth in front of my desk.I held back a growl as I stared at her.

"Sit down." I said calmly pointing at the chair.She crossed her arms over her chest and glared at me.I raised my brow at her"Sit.Down." I said more sternly.She glared at me for a second before sitting down.I grinned even though she was human my alpha side still affected her.It just didn't work all the time on her.

"You've ever watched a werewolf movie before?" I asked.She nodded her head as she gave me a curious expression."Well on a full moon the werewolf shifts unwillingly." I said slowly.She rolled her eyes"Max we both know I'm not slow. And I'm pretty sure I'm smarting than you." She stated in a cocky tone.I rolled my eyes.

"Like I was saying we shift on the full moon. It's not not in the usual forms you see his in. It's more like the ones in the movies,more dangerous." I started to explain."Well we lose all control of of our human sides and our animal takes over. We will kill anything that's in our way,humans included. So to stop from killing we chain ourselves up." I finished.

"So we have to wait till the full moons over then rescue Tommy,Sally and Micheal?" She questioned.I nodded and sat up in my seat.She jumped back up and started pacing"A full moon can last up to a week." She replied nervously.I listened as her heart beat quickened and her breathing started getting sharper.

"I can't breathe." She said through short panicked breaths.I stood up and went to her side."Robin I'm going to need you to calm down." I said softly as I took her face in my hands and made her look at me."Breathe. You need to be strong for the ones you love." I stated.She nodded her head as she stared at me.

"I love him." She whispered out as she tried to get her breathing regulated."I know you love Tommy." I respond while removing my hands from her face.She grinned and shook her head"I'm not talking about Tommy." She said with a sad look on her face.

Robin's POV

I watched as Nevaeh prepared for the full moon. I understood it to some point,then it confused me at the same time. How could one moon turn you into a monster . This whole thing about werewolves is stressing me out. I don't know how much I can take before I snap.

"Robin,don't worry. When the full moon is over we can go rescue them." She said trying to comfort me. "We should be out rescuing them now!" I exclaimed loudly. Nevaeh sighed lowly as she dug around in a box. Watching as she pulled out a hand gun my eyes widen in shock.

"What are you going to do with that?" I asked. "It's for you." She said as she handed me the gun. I looked down at the cold steel in my hand. I wondered if it was loaded? "Why do we need a gun?" I asked curiously,as she pulled one out for herself. She couldn't possibly be going to use this.

"This is just for protection." She replied,as she put the gun in a holster. "Protection for what?" I asked as she handed me a holster. "Just in case one of them gets lose,we have to shoot them or they'll kill us." She said causally as she put the box away.

"Do you really think I'll be able to put a bullet in one of them?" I asked,as I followed her through the house. The way she kept silent made me think that this wasn't her favorite part bringing a werewolves mate. And I was probably making it worse by asking so many questions. "If you don't shoot them they'll kill you." She stated as she locked the door.

"What if Chad got lose?" I asked slowly,she stopped and turned around to face me. "If he breaks lose I won't be able to kill him," She paused as she stared at me. "so you'll have to do it for me." She stated,bitterly. I closed my mouth and didn't say anything else about that possibility.

Max was standing at the top of the stairs,his eyes were glazed over as he stared at me. Their was something about him that scared me. "Is everything set up." He asked in a strained voice. She nodded her head as she began to follow him down the stairs. Grabbing onto the back of her shirt,I made my way down into what looked like a basement.

The basement had a more dungeon feel to it. Everyone was in silver cages and chained to the wall. Nevaeh walked over towards Chad with a small smile on her face. "Tomorrow where going to start our searching. So don't do anything." He warned in a stern tone,as he chained hisself to the wall.

"What can I do? I said as I locked his cage door. I felt his stare on me as I walked over to where Nevaeh stood. "It's about to start." She whispered as stared at Chad. My eyes focussed on him as he let out an ear piercing scream. His skin looked like it was being peeled off slowly as fur replaced it.

Nevaeh hid her face behind my back as I continued to watch. His bones start snapping in different directions,painful growls irrupted from him. They sounded throughout the room as everyone else experienced a similar pain. Grabbing Nevaeh's hand I pulled her out of the dungeon and closed the door behind us. "That was horrible." I said as I leaned against the door.

"Yeah it's worser when your mated." She whispered. I stared at her shaking figure before her legs gave out. "Nehaeh are you okay." I said as I rushed to her side to help her up. She nodded as she stood up on wobbly legs. Helping her walk to the couch I watched as she laid down and closed her eyes. "Sometimes the shift can effect me too if it's bad enough." She said as she tried to sit up.

"Maybe you should just lay down." I said,as she nodded weakly. A bang at the door had her eyes snapping open. "What was that?" She asked. I shook my head and stood up. "I don't know. But I'm going to find out." I said confidently. Ignoring Nehaeh's calls for me to stop,I kept walking towards the door. I gripped the gun tightly as I opened the door.

I cautiously looked around as I stared into the darkness. "Ow!" I looked down at the rock I had just hit my toe on. Their was a letter attached to the bottom of it.

Dear Daughter,

If you want to see the little girl and boy again I suggest you follow my rules. One,come alone. Two,listen to rule one. Three don't do anything stupid. I still live at the same address I did three years ago.



I'm so going to hurt that man.

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