Chapter I: The problematic

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*3rd POV*

It was a sunny day on Menagerie, school was over and a few of the kids were seen on a playground.

There was 15 years old boy who was a bit problematic, always making issues, causing bad stuff to happen, his sister who is 16 years old always ignored him, saying it's better to not know they are related.

The siblings are none other than Blake and Y/N Belladonna.

Currently Blake was at home doing some homework and Y/N was out with his questionable friends who always supported him in his schemes.

Friend: "You think this will work?"

You: "Yeah just look!"

He was currently watching a young adult female who was having big assets. She was looking at the ocean when she moved her feet to a rope eye, Y/N cut the rope and she began to ascend, now hanging in the air upside down, her t-shirt dropping down revealing her bra.

Friend 2: "Oh my that was a good one!"

You: "Right? She's way too beautiful!" He got a nosebleed while looking at her bra "but that's not all" He took scissors and approached the girl.

You: "Hello there beautiful."

Girl: "What? You did this? Get me off!"

You: "No can do." He approached her and cut all her clothes apart, now she was naked... the thing is there were people who saw that. They immediately called guards who were now chasing after Y/N.

*Y/N's POV*

I was on the run again, they never give up, I ran through the streets not caring who is in front of me I pushed them down on the ground to make a better way for me.

I ran into an alleyway which was a mistake as I was now surrounded by the guards.

Guard: "Hands in the air where I can see them!" I rushed towards them not caring what they are saying but they pulled out a taser and tased me.

I fell on the ground paralyzed and they cuffed me.

Guard 2: "Y/N Belladonna, why am I not surprised. Your parents must be regretting not aborting you, you're coming with us."

They lead me to a police station if it could be called that and placed me in the interrogation room. One of the guards pulled out his scroll

Guard: "Mr. Belladonna sorry for interrupting.... it's your son again... humiliated a woman by getting rid of her clothes and then causing minor injuries while escaping.... thank you..." he ended the call

You: "Tch... you know how it ends... I'll get free, dad will make sure of that."

Guard: "You're talking nonsenses."

You: "It always was like this."

We just waited not saying any other word until my dad arrived.

Ghira: "I'm here."

Guard: "Sir, your son has caused many minor injuries today, he was escaping, humiliated a girl..."

Ghira: "Yes you have told me. Leave me and my son alone for a while would you?"

Guard: "Of course sir."

You: "Why, let's get-"

Ghira: "YOU SHUT UP!!"

You: "Dad?"

Ghira: "I've had enough of your problems, it's almost every week you do something bad, this time the humiliation,  last time the stolen fisherman ship, how far will you go hm? Will it be murder next time? I'm seriously tired of this. But I will not be heartless so I'm giving you one last chance... if you do something that would make me come here I will personally see to your punishment young man."

Corrupted Light: Male Reader x Akame ga Kill x RWBYTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon