Chapter IX: The bank

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*Blake's POV*

It was another day, I was in the dorm room after classes, lying on my bed. I was let's say a bit paranoid.

I saw Y/N everywhere I looked and it was freaking me out. Ruby and Yang noticed, Weiss though was too focused on the studies.

I closed my eyes to just relax.

I'm now not even sure if I really saw him or if it was just my imagination.. the smoke bomb was real... others saw him too... why... why am I thinking it was just in my head..

The doors opened so I sat up. Yang was behind them.

Yang: "Blake... again? Your brother didn't do anything. Why are you acting like this."

Blake: "I know what he's capable of... you don't know him."

Yang: "I'm not certainly paranoid about it."

Blake: "What was that?!"

Yang: "Blake this has to stop, you've been looking all around every time we go somewhere. If... IF he is like you say, which I doubt more and more... do you really think he would walk to Beacon just like that? He's not a student, others would definitely tell him to get lost."

Blake: "Still... I have this feeling that... something will happen soon... something bad that will include him."

Yang: "Oh yeah? And what does that feeling say he'll do."

Blake: "It can be anything... trust me... he's capable of doing unbelievable stuff."

A chilling cold crept to my spine as I shivered.

*Y/N's POV*

It was afternoon, today Lubbock was teaching me some basic trapping mechanics... which would be really awesome if the target wasn't Leone who ended up knocking Lubbock out. He was now in the main hall room with a lump on his head.

You: "You brought that to yourself..." I was just saying that to myself when the door opened revealing Chelsea.

Chelsea: "Ah Y/N here you are, I was looking for you- what happened to Lubbock?"

You: "Leone happened, why were you looking for me."

Chelsea: "How good are you with impressions... like... can you mimic someone?"

You: "Why are you asking?"

Chelsea: "Because the best way to steal from Ozpin is to play Ozpin... can you mimic him well?"

You: "Uhh I can't."

Chelsea: "Oh well, that plan falls then."

You: "Is there something else you want to say?"

Chelsea: "Ah yes, we have found someone who has an account in that bank... and stores some valuable papers in his vault... we can use his name to get in."

You: "Excellent thinking... that means we have everything we need to get in."

Chelsea: "Really?"

You: "Yes, I'll just go check on the plans again. It's always better to make sure than to be sorry."

Chelsea: "Yes, I agree with you on that one."

I stood up and went to check on the plans along with Chelsea who seemed to get closer to me as well. Maybe she wants to just make Mine jealous.

You: "Why is it that you're keeping so close to me all of a sudden."

Chelsea: "Oh, you have noticed?"

Corrupted Light: Male Reader x Akame ga Kill x RWBYWhere stories live. Discover now