Chapter IV: Rooftops night

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*Y/N's POV, 2 days later*

It was here, 2 days on the ship have passed and we arrived to Vale, I got rid of that stowaway mark and went to the center.

Other people were looking at me for some strange reason until I realized it's because of my cat ears, not because of me.

That's right, I'm not in Menagerie anymore, people don't know who I am or what I was doing, unless Blake would regularly go to the city but knowing her, she probably just reads..

The city square was huge, there were so many malls and other types of shops just inviting their guests to explore the stock.

I looked around and bought something for myself.

The peace I have right now won't last forever, I just know myself too well and just wait until I join Night Right, that's when chaos will begin.

I turned around a street and saw a few Beacon studends, I flinched and hid behind the corner before I realized. I'm still safe in Vale.

But I didn't want to talk to them. Some of them might say I'm looking familiar with my sister, which means they could tell her, thus she'd know and tell our parents, but I have a feeling she already knows since I escaped.

I dashed past the students and turned around a corner, there I almost bumped into someone.

You; 'W-Whaa... sorry!"

???: "Whoa! Hey careful there." I looked at the girl and saw her auburn hair flowing in the wind, her beautiful wine red eyes were staring right into mine. She was wearing s skirt with black vest and white long sleeve, seemingly button t-shirt. "Quit staring you perv!"

You: "Ah sorry!"

I looked away but felt the girl's eyes on me.

???: "Well, we didn't bump into each other so I guess that's fine."

You: "Yeah I guess."

???: "So there's nothing that would delay me, I'll be on my way now and you should go too."

You: "Right."

I turned around and left the place, the girl did too.

Whoa, she was pretty. Vale girls are looking much better than those in Menagerie.

I continued on my way and with setting sun found a place to sleep in.

But there was huge thunderstorm that night so I didn't sleep at all.

Through the falling rain and the roaring thunder I heard voices, they were distant and not strong so following the voices was difficult, it would be normally let alone with thunderstorm.

The thing is those voices were getting closer and closer, when they were close enough I also heard footsteps, someone was running. and indeed soon a bit of rubble fell on me from the roof, I looked up there and saw shillouettes of 5 people passing by, they had no marks, nothing that would make them visible.

Those guys seem interesting, and who knows maybe Najenda knows them, maybe that is her group.

And so I have decided to follow them, not caring about the risk it brings.

I climbed up the wall by entering or rather breaking into one of the houses and going upstairs, I then jumped across the rooftops just like they did.

I saw the group of 5 stop on one rooftop, I decided to hide in the shadows so they wouldn't notice me and I wouldn't accidentally ruin their plan.

I had a proper look on who there was.

There were 3 guys and 2 girls. One of the guys had green hair and green cloak. He made a wirey path in the middle of the air above the road beneath, the other guy had brown hair and green eyes holding a sword and the last one was a tall guy wearing an armor with a cool spear in his hands, as for the girls, one was wearing a black dress with skirt, she had long black hair and blood red eyes, she was also wearing a red tie, the other girl was all in pink, she had pink hair and eyes, wearing a pink dress and holding a rifle.

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