Filling the Roster

Start from the beginning

And we waited. Soon the sun began to set. Will brought us soup from a chest. We joked around and they showed us their house. Underground there was storage. Soon there was a knock on the door. Tommy stepped out and there was talking. There was a shout. A man with long pink hair in a braid stormed inside, looking angry. "Hey Techno!" Wilbur said cheerily. "Hi Wilbur. Can you step out for a minute?" Wilbur nodded

As soon as he was out the door the man had a sword pointed at us. It came so fast I had no idea what had happened. Another man wearing green who looked an awful lot like Tommy walked in. "Who the hell are you people! How did you get here!" Techno yelled. "Techno." The man in green said. They had a conversation with their eyes. It went like this.


'No. They haven't hurt Will or Tommy.'

'But we've never met them! How did they even get here?!'

'Just put the sword down.'

Techno sighed. He lowered the sword. "I'm Technoblade." He sheathed the sword and took off his cape. I got a good look at his outfit. It was a red cape with white puffy outline. It had a white loose top with long sleeves and black pants. He had worn leather boots. He also had pig ears poking from under his hair. Now that I think about it his skin had a pink tinge. And when he spoke his bottom teeth had some sharpness to them. "I'm Phil." He stuck a hand out. Percy took it. "I'm Percy!" He said. The rest went through their introductions.

"Hey. Do you have any chocolate?" Chara asked Tommy. "No." Phil answered for him. Tommy shoved him. "Yes we do. DAd~ over there sees fit to limit how much sugar I eat. Says it makes me too jittery." Chara smiled. Her and Nightmare followed him into the kitchen. I smiled sadly. It was good to see Chara was feeling better. Whatever had happened yesterday in that bathroom had made her feel better. I missed Frisk. She was the one who convinced me to leave the void. The group was chatting around the house. Phil was talking with Fran, Piper, Frank, and Percy. Techno and Leo were laughing while Jason sat there. He reached over and shocked Leo and there was more laughter. Nico and Hazel sat talking with Wilbur. He locked eyes with me and said something to Hazel. She smiled and nodded. He walked over to me. I was sitting on the floor in the corner. He sat next to me. "You look sad." Will whispered. I sighed. "Sorry. We recently lost one of our team. She was a good friend of mine. I was once a ghost too. She brought me back, somewhat. I can be a ghost if I want, but I don't have to be." Will nodded. "I know how it feels to lose people. When I died I lost all my friends. Phil took care of me, and Tubbo visited me, but I never got to see Techno. And my son resented me. I was only half of who I was then. Now I'm whole again." He hugged me. "I'm sure that you'll be fine. You couldn't have saved them. At some point everyone has to go. We lost friends and family, enmities and lovers. We come from the dust and we return to the dust." I smiled sadly. "Thanks Will." He smiled. "No problem Chris! Want some blue?"


We left the next morning. The four took time to pack. I became good friends with Wilbur. They packed swords and potions, and some strange golden fruit that was glowing. Coraline summoned a portal. They all walked through the portal. On the other side the rest of the team were waiting. Norman and his friends were playing monopoly with the avengers. They seemed to be having fun. Annabeth was chugging coffee at the table while looking at maps and reading books in a language I didn't know. They smiled and greeted us. They took notice of the four guests and rushed over. "You got more people!" Emma said excitedly. Techno looked a little uncomfortable with all the kids around him. His hand nearest to his sword was twitching. Philza has tucked his wings into his cloak.

"Hi. I'm Tommy." He said. "We heard about the war, and we are here to help!" He smiled. The rest introduced themselves. "Oh!" Tommy turned to his companions. "You guys too." Philza stepped forward. "Hello. I'm Philza. It's a pleasure."

"I'm Wilbur. But everyone calls me Will." He gestured to Techno to introduce himself.


It was then that I noticed it. He didn't like the staring. It's why he acted so angry. He hates new people. And kids. We sat down at the table. Annabeth finally noticed others exist. "Oh hi. I'm Annabeth. I heard all your names, it's fine. I assume we should go over the battle plans." She quickly organized her papers while we grabbed snacks. Percy says not a proper war council without cheese whiz.

We sat down and Annabeth started to explain her plan. "So. My team will work on defense. Getting civilians to safety and such. They will be able to see the aliens so be careful. The Avengers will be the front offense. They are at a disadvantage as the enemy knows them. Emma, Norman, and Ray. You three will be here, with me. As will Nightmare. You don't have any offensive qualities. You will be talking through our earpieces while you check cameras. You are looking for any big problems. Things like large monsters or enemies that slip out of our grasp. Chara, Chris, you will be fighting. Chara for obvious reasons. Chris, you can do ghost things. Materialize and push monsters off buildings. Wybie. You will also be helping with things here." She grabbed a cracker and turned to the new four people. "You four, do your thing. Fight, and win. You will be working on the ground. Help the Avengers where you can." She showed a picture of Loki. "This is the guy we need to stop. Okay. Good. We need to b-" A rumble ran through the building. Annabeth types furiously and sighed. "Time to go." She turned the screen to us. On the roof there was a man with a machine. A pulsing blue light filled the air. I reached for the box in the center of the table. We each pulled out a glowing key. "Everyone ready?" Steve asked. "Ready as I'll ever be." I answered


This is a really long chapter. I just couldn't end it. 

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