Filling the Roster

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Techno POV

I was just chilling at my farm. I had retired from fighting. Of course I still held my titles high, but they wern't the most important thing anymore. I had a family. For the longest time I felt alone, used, betrayed. But I had a family now. Tommy and Phil and Wilbur. They were here for me now. Of course, thee were still issues, but they were few and far between. Tommy had realized that his family and friends meant more than the discs. He still had some things to learn, but after almost losing Tubbo to Dream, he held new found wisdom. And Wilbur was back. He still had some problems, but him and Phil were getting through it. He was a bit damaged from the whole 'Glattbur incident.' And that was it. We were together again. We all had each other and that's what mattered. We built a house, out in the wilderness. I was still growing my potatoes. I had gotten used to the endless chatter of Tommy and Tubbo, and Wilbur being terrified of buttons. And of course, I was adjusting to Phil's endless guidance. He really was like a father. I sighed and leaned on my hoe. The fields were finally fixed after Tommy and Tubbo ran threw them. I smiled remembering the boys throwing mud at each other and giggling. Them slipping into the shallow canals and splashing. How Phil chastised them for running inside covered in mud and dripping wet. I laughed remembering the moment. "Hey, Techno?" I snapped back to reality. "Oh hey Wilbur." He had walked up behind me. "It's getting dark, and Tommy made what he called a 'Sorry I ruined your field dinner." I chuckled. "I'm coming." "Wait, look." I turned around. The sun was setting, lighting up the horizon a golden color. "I really missed this." I smiled sadly. "I know, I am glad they brought you back." He shook his head. "I meant all of you. Having fun. Watching Tommy be a dumbass, and you being the wisecrack older brother to him. This." I hugged him. "It can stay like this, forever, if you want." He sighed. "I wish it could." I let go. "What do you mean?" I asked, looking at his sad face. "I feel like something is coming." I sighed. "It'll be fine. With all of us together, nothing can stop us. We just have to focus on the now. We can't worry right now. It will all be fine, Will." He smiled. "I guess so." "Hey bitches. You were taking too long, so I came to get you." We laughed. "Hey Tommy! I finally fixed the damage." He smiled. "Now come eat. You've been out here all day." We ran inside. I kept thinking back to what had happened with Will outside. 'It will stay like this forever.' I assured myself. 'It has too.'

Chris POV

I was about to make a rash decision. It wasn't the best time, and I should wait. I'll ask them later. Right now we are getting ready to go. Coraline is ready to make another portal so we are getting dressed. I stepped out of the bathroom. Everyone was sitting around chatting. Coraline and Wybie were talking to Natasha. She seemed to like the young girl. The other four adults were talking in the corner. Chara sat around the coffee table smiling with Emma and her friends. Nightmare was chewing on some bread in the corner. God, that girl is always eating. Shoto is making ice on his hand and then melting it. "Oh, Chris!" Coraline waved me over. "Okay guys, time to go!" She yelled. Everyone turned. Emma smiled. The Avengers decided to stay behind, as did, Emma, Ray, Norman, and Annabeth. She was working on battle strategies for the coming battle. Coraline summoned a door. It was a plain wooden door, with a black handle. "Ok, let's go."

We stepped through. On the other side was a wonderful world. It was filled with trees and there was an open plain. There off in the plain was a large house. A field growing some variety of plant was expanding the countryside. The house was covered in vines and brightly lit. It look rustic however. All the light came from lanterns and torches, and there was nothing from the 21st century in sight. Maybe it was a ranch? We were glad it was such a small group. It would have been awkward with all the people, but this was nice. You could almost forget life and sit there in the breezy grasslands forever. But we had a mission to complete.

We walked up to the door. Fran knocked. There was talking beyond the door. "Phil if yo needed- who the fuck are you!?" A young boy with blond hair had opened the door. He was staring at us, mouth gaping open. "Oy! Will! I need you!" He called back into the house. Fran stuck out her hand. "Hell! I'm Fran, and we need to talk to you." The boy nodded. He opened the door more. "Oh! I'm Tommy by the way. I'm just so confused." He sighed. There were footsteps coming down the stairs, and an older boy stood there. He had brown fluffy hair and a beanie. "Oh, I've been expecting you! Come on in! Take a seat." Tommy shook his head, as if strange things happen like this often. We were led to a living room. We all took a seat, with Nightmare and Chara sitting on the floor sharing chocolate. "So knew they were coming?" Tommy asked. "Oh of course! I live in the fourth wall. Time was irrelevant there. The past, present and future all passed simultaneously. I know what, for the rest of eternity, will happen. Well, I could? I chose to not explore the future. This was just a prophecy." Will explained. "Uh-Huh." Tommy muttered. Percy leaned over to Annabeth. "Is he crazy or something?" She almost laughed. "Oh! Insanity runs in the family. It practically gallops." He giggled. Tommy smiled. "He's not wrong. Techno and you were always the strange ones." Will was smiling so broadly. "Oh yeah Mr. Normal!? You fought in two wars that you practically caused!" He shot back. "What can I say? I'm a badass." He replied. They both broke down into laughs. We were all laughing with them. These two were close, you could tell. They acted like family. "Oh that's right!" Will snapped back to reality. "You were here to tell us about the war. And how you need four of us to help you fight for the fabric of reality." Tommy's smile dissolved. "War? What war. I thought we had done our part and we could live in peace again?" Tommy asked. His voice was full of pain, and hurt. He had clearly seen war, his face was littered with scars. We had to talk to him. "You have clearly seen war." Frank stated. Tommy nodded. "I accidentally started a war. I wanted to kill Dream. People couldn't really die back then. Now we are limited to three deaths. But I was messing with him. But he took my most prized possession. So war broke out between us. We won, kind of. We started a new faction, L'manburg. There was peace. I didn't have my discs, but those were less than important. Wilbur was president, but he held an election, because he thought he would win and to show how good of a person he was. A new runner joined the election however. Shlatt. He won the election and outlawed us. We started a small community. Pogtopia. We started plotting to take what was renamed Manburg back. We had people on the inside. We were ready. But Will went dark. He plotted to destroy Manburg completely. To get rid of it. He worked with our enemy, Dream. I defeated many with the help of Technoblade, but he too went with Dream. Techno helped us, gave us gear and helped us stop Shlatt. But then he decided that he didn't like the government. So he tried to kill my friend, Tubbo. He was the new president. He failed, and was wanted by the town. But Wilbur has placed the entire settlement of Manburg with TNT. He pushed a button, and then convinced Philza to kill him. We recently brought him back to life. We fought Dream again recently and won, so we are at peace." Tommy explained their whole story to us. We listened. It was intriguing. "So. You need our help?" He finished, opening the room to tak. Fran sat up. "Yes. There is a war coming. We need four more people, and based on what you have said, you should come with us." He nodded. "I think I know who should come. I just have to wait for them to get back."

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