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"Oh my god......." The looked at where they were. Floating......... They were ghosts. "I don't remember dying?" Wybie chuckled. "This is no laughing matter!" Coraline berated him. Frisk did a flip. "Wait.." Fran checked her back. She still had it. "I have a ghost backpack." She remarked. She looked around and finally noticed it. They were in a room. It was dark but they all glowed so it didn't bother them. Then she saw him. There was a sixth ghost, sitting on the edge of the bed, staring in shock at these new people. He looked ragged, with a bandage over the side of his head. Bags under his eyes and tear tracks welling down his face, never ending even though he didn't seem to be crying. The all turned as Fran floated over. When they saw him they gasped. He shrunk away as she neared. Frisk followed behind her. "Um, Hi?" He whispered. "Frisk stuck out her hand. "I'm Frisk. Do YOU know why we are ghosts?" He looked at her and shifted his gaze down. "Uh, well, I'm dead, but you seem to just have turned to live spirits." Frisk and Fran sat down next to him. A loud thump resounded from the hallway. "Oh that can't be good." The boy shouted.

He ran to the door on the side the thump had come from looked out and slammed the door. "So that's new. Fran walked over as the door creaked open again. She peeked through, yelped and jumped back. "W-What is he doing here?!" They all turned. Frisk had seen that fear once, when Fran had told her of the demon, Remor. She had seen that look as they fell through the portal. She ran to the door and peeked out. All she saw was darkness until a figure stepped out. "Gah!" She fell back. Those white eyes... "Player." Chara growled as she instantly knew what Frisk had seen. She thought she felt that presence. "What, no!" The boy cried and peeked out. Still the same nightmares. He didn't understand. Were they just seeing their worst fears, or were there really more monsters in the dark.

"Hey can one of you come look at the same time as me?" They all looked at each other. Then they all looked at the boy with curly hair and the blue hair girl. "What! I am NOT looking!" She looked at Wybie. He looked terrified. He hadn't dealt with anything like this before. She sighed. "For you Wyborn." She put her hands on his shoulder. The girl with blue hair walked over. "Let's see what everyone is yelling about kid. I'm Coraline by the way." "Chris." They both looked out. The nightmare was there, but then the darkness at the end of the hallway shimmered and a woman stepped through. He jumped back and slammed it. The girl had turned whiter than a ghost. Which is hard to do when you are a ghost. "So the darkness produces monsters of our worst fears." A rush of air flooded the room. "Huh?" Fran looked around. The whole room was looking at her. "Uh guys...?" Then she felt it. It was cold, colder than the snow, colder than the black Kamoras. "Oh~ Fra~n" She turned. There he was. "Remor." 

The demon smiled. "Why are you here demon." He laughed. It sent a shiver down all their spines. "Have you not guessed already? It's been me the whole time. The portals?" They all took a step back. Chara though...she floated forward. "You! You have been tossing us from universe to universe, thinking that it won't have consequences!" He lashed out a hand and Chara flew back. "Chara!" Frisk ran as she crumpled against the closet door. Coraline flinched as Wybie grabbed her hand. "But why?" Fran still stood confident before the mighty goat headed demon. Fran grabbed her pills and took one. "Hah ha. Just because you can see the truth does not mean you can fight it child!" The room faded to black. "Enjoy the void, Fran and friends!" He dissolved into black mist. Frisk was pulling bandages off her face and placing them on Chara. Wybie was sobbing into Coraline's shoulder. Chris stood there, looking more annoyed than scared.

"Really? I was perfectly fine in purgatory. At least there I had something to do. Didn't think I could though...? Guess I'll just have to get back there again." Fran turned. "Again....." she murmured. "You've been stuck here before!?" He smirked. "When you die you have to wait in the void for a verdict on either up or down. But if you wanna get out of that, you can get out and either become a ghost or go to purgatory." This boy talked like a teen, but he couldn't have been more than eight. "Who are you?" She asked. "The names Chris, Chris Afton. I'm technically 38 btw, so you don't have to treat me like a child." He crossed his arms and smirked. "Oh well I'm Fran!" "I know." She stumbled. "How may I ask?" He chuckled. "The demon said it dummy." She looked down. She WAS only 10. And she had stopped going to school two years ago.

Before she could retort Chara gasped and shot up. Frisk had tears streaming down her face as she threw her arms around her. "Idiot! Don't try to fight demons anymore!" She sobbed into Chara's sweater. Fran barely had time to smile. Coraline cried out as Wybie collapsed on her. He was shaking. "N-no. Stop! No!" His eyes were closed and he jerked and shook. "What is happening!" Coraline looked at them. She had tears welling in her eyes. Frisk rushes over. "Wait." She took a pill. "Frisk." She still glowed white, but more gray, maybe the worry had dampened it. Coraline's whirling galaxy was spinning out of control. Now Wybie was visible too. He looked like himself, but his eyes were open and reflected what he was seeing. She remembered her power. She was able to see auras, and others' powers. "Frisk focus. Think of Wybie waking up. Think as if white light is flowing through your fingers into him and waking him up." She nodded and closed her eyes. In the pill world, her light flickered, and moved like a wave over Wybie. He steamed with black smoke. But it subsided and he gasped.

Fran shifted her gaze back to reality. Frisk looked exhausted. She was supporting herself on Chara. Wybie was shaken. He looked sad, and sunken. Coraline was trying to stop crying, but was also telling Wybie not to scare her anymore. Fran sat down on the.......floor? It was just black. She thought of what Coraline's power was. She remembered she hadn't looked at Chris. She popped another duotine. She looked over at Chris. He was a purple bear animatronic. It confused her. Why would he look like that? She looked at Chara. Still red, but less blood red and more pinkish. When she shifted her eyes back she saw a slight red flushing Chara's face."What's with the red on your cheeks." She pointed and almost touched Chara's cheek. It flushed even deeper. "Huh..?" Frisk looked up, and saw the blush. Her face flooded with a red glow. "Ah! Sorry Chara! I-I-I-" Chara smiled. "It's fine, Pacifism. I'm just not used to the touchy-feely stuff."

"While I'm loving this void, I've got nightmares to return to." They all turned to Chris. He was looking better. The head bandages looked less bloody. His face looked less tired. Had he changed. He was wearing a hoodie and boots now, compared to his old striped shirt and shorts. "Hey," Fran started, "Why are you a purple bear in the other world. Chris looked startled and everyone else thought she was crazy. "I'm a shadow. When I'm that form only people who know about the shadows or I guess people like you can see me." Fran nodded. Frisk crawled over to Fran. "How did you know that would work, and about Chris?" Fran pulled out her bottle of Duotine. Before she could explain Frisk grabbed the bottle and began examining it. "Hey!" Frisk smiled. "I only want to look. What would happen if I took one, though?" Fran shook her head. You would see people's auras and see the rest of the world as it truly is." Frisk popped the lid off. "Wait n-" Frisk took one. 

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